Warping Shapes
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2006
- Menu: Projection | Georeferencing
Georeferencing of shapes layers. Either choose the attribute fields (x/y) with the projected coordinates for the reference points (origin) or supply a additional points layer with correspondent points in the target projection.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Reference Points (Origin) | shapes, input | REF_SOURCE | - | - |
Reference Points (Projection) | shapes, input, optional | REF_TARGET | - | - |
Input | shapes, input | INPUT | - | - |
Output | Output | shapes, output | OUTPUT | - | - |
Options | x Position | table field | XFIELD | - | - |
y Position | table field | YFIELD | - | - |
Method | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices:
[0] Automatic
[1] Triangulation
[2] Spline
[3] Affine
[4] 1st Order Polynomial
[5] 2nd Order Polynomial
[6] 3rd Order Polynomial
[7] Polynomial, Order
Default: 0 |
Polynomial Order | integer number | ORDER | - | Minimum: 1
Default: 3 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 2 [-REF_SOURCE ] [-REF_TARGET ] [-XFIELD ] [-YFIELD ] [-METHOD ] [-ORDER ] [-INPUT ] [-OUTPUT ]
-REF_SOURCE: Reference Points (Origin)
shapes, input
-REF_TARGET: Reference Points (Projection)
shapes, input, optional
-XFIELD: x Position
table field
-YFIELD: y Position
table field
-METHOD: Method
Available Choices:
[0] Automatic
[1] Triangulation
[2] Spline
[3] Affine
[4] 1st Order Polynomial
[5] 2nd Order Polynomial
[6] 3rd Order Polynomial
[7] Polynomial, Order
Default: 0
-ORDER: Polynomial Order
integer number
Minimum: 1
Default: 3
-INPUT: Input
shapes, input
-OUTPUT: Output
shapes, output