GeoTrans (Shapes)
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2003
- Menu: Projection | Alternatives
Coordinate Transformation for Shapes. This library makes use of the Geographic Translator (GeoTrans) library. GeoTrans is maintained by the National Geospatial Agency (NGA).
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Source | shapes, input | SOURCE | - | - |
Output | Target | shapes, output | TARGET | - | - |
Options | Ellipsoids | file path | DATA_ELLIPSOID | - | - |
Datums (7 Parameters) | file path | DATA_DATUM_7 | - | - | |
Datums (3 Parameters) | file path | DATA_DATUM_3 | - | - | |
Geoid | file path | DATA_GEOID | - | - | |
Source Datum | choice | SOURCE_DATUM | - | Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 | |
Target Datum | choice | TARGET_DATUM | - | Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 | |
Source Projection | choice | SOURCE_PROJECTION | - | Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 | |
Target Projection | choice | TARGET_PROJECTION | - | Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd pj_geotrans 0 [-DATA_ELLIPSOID] [-DATA_DATUM_7 ] [-DATA_DATUM_3 ] [-DATA_GEOID ] [-SOURCE ] [-TARGET ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM ] [-PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION ] [-PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION ] -DATA_ELLIPSOID: Ellipsoids file path -DATA_DATUM_7: Datums (7 Parameters) file path -DATA_DATUM_3: Datums (3 Parameters) file path -DATA_GEOID: Geoid file path -SOURCE: Source shapes, input -TARGET: Target shapes, output -PROJECTION_SOURCE_DATUM: Source Datum choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_DATUM: Target Datum choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_SOURCE_PROJECTION: Source Projection choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0 -PROJECTION_TARGET_PROJECTION: Target Projection choice Available Choices: [0] [not set] Default: 0