SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Isolated Points Filter


The tool allows one to detect isolated points within a point cloud. These points can be either tagged as "isolated" or be removed entirely from the dataset. A point is assumed to be isolated as soon as the number of points in the search radius is below the specified threshold. If isolated points become tagged, a new attribute field "ISOLATED" is added that provides the number of neighbours found for isolated points (including the point itself) or zero for all other points.


InputPointspoint cloud, inputPC_INThe input point cloud to analyze.-
OutputFiltered Pointspoint cloud, output, optionalPC_OUTThe filtered point cloud.-
OptionsFilter Radiusfloating point numberRADIUSThe search radius of the filter [map units].Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.500000
Maximum Number of Pointsinteger numberMAX_POINTSThe maximum number of points within the search radius to consider a point as isolated. Includes the search point.Minimum: 1 Maximum: 255 Default: 1
MethodchoiceMETHODChoose the filter method.Available Choices: [0] remove points [1] tag points Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 16 [-PC_IN ] [-PC_OUT ] [-RADIUS ] [-MAX_POINTS ] [-METHOD ]
  -PC_IN:     	Points
	point cloud, input
  -PC_OUT:    	Filtered Points
	point cloud, output, optional
  -RADIUS: 	Filter Radius
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.001000
	Default: 1.500000
  -MAX_POINTS:	Maximum Number of Points
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Maximum: 255
	Default: 1
  -METHOD:    	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] remove points
	[1] tag points
	Default: 0