SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Drop Point Cloud Attributes


The tool can be used to drop attributes from a point cloud. In case the output dataset is not set, the attribute(s) will be dropped from the input dataset, i.e. the input dataset will be overwritten.


InputInputpoint cloud, inputINPUTPoint cloud to drop attribute(s) from.-
OutputOutputpoint cloud, output, optionalOUTPUTPoint cloud with attribute(s) dropped.-
OptionsAttributestable fieldsFIELDSThe attribute field(s) to drop.-

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 7 [-INPUT ] [-FIELDS ] [-OUTPUT ]
  -INPUT: 	Input
	point cloud, input
  -FIELDS:	Attributes
	table fields
  -OUTPUT:	Output
	point cloud, output, optional