SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Clip Grid with Rectangle


Clips the input grid with the (rectangular) extent of a shapefile. The clipped grid will have the extent of the shapefile. Select shapes from the shapefile prior to tool execution in case you like to use only a subset from the shapefile for clipping.


InputInputgrid, inputINPUTThe grid to clip.-
Extentshapes, inputSHAPESThe shapefile to use for clipping.-
OutputOutputdata object Grid, output, optionalOUTPUTThe clipped grid.-
OptionsGrid systemgrid systemINPUT_GRIDSYSTEM--
BorderchoiceBORDERSet grid extent to grid cells (pixel as area), to grid nodes (pixel as point) or align to grid system.Available Choices: [0] grid cells [1] grid nodes [2] align to grid system Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 11 [-INPUT ] [-SHAPES ] [-BORDER ] [-OUTPUT ]
  -INPUT: 	Input
	grid, input
  -SHAPES:	Extent
	shapes, input
  -BORDER:	Border
	Available Choices:
	[0] grid cells
	[1] grid nodes
	[2] align to grid system
	Default: 0
  -OUTPUT:	Output
	data object Grid, output, optional