Grid Classes Area for Polygons
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2016
- Menu: Shapes | Shapes-Grid Tools | Grid Values
Calculates for each polygon the area covered by each grid class.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Polygons | shapes, input | POLYGONS | - | - |
Classes | grid, input | GRID | - | - |
Look-up Table | table, input, optional | GRID_LUT | - | - |
Output | Result | shapes, output, optional | RESULT | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Processing Order | choice | PROCESS | If only a small part of the grid area is covered by polygons, polygon by polygon processing might give an enormous performance boost. | Available Choices:
[0] cell by cell
[1] polygon by polygon
Default: 1 |
Cell Area Intersection | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices:
[0] cell center
[1] cell area
Default: 0 |
Output Measurement | choice | OUTPUT | - | Available Choices:
[0] total area
[1] percentage
Default: 0 |
Class Definition | choice | GRID_VALUES | - | Available Choices:
[0] values are class identifiers
[1] use look-up table
Default: 0 |
Value | table field | GRID_LUT_MIN | - | - |
Value (Maximum) | table field | GRID_LUT_MAX | - | - |
Name | table field | GRID_LUT_NAM | - | - |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd shapes_grid 18 [-POLYGONS ] [-RESULT ] [-GRID ] [-PROCESS ] [-METHOD ] [-OUTPUT ] [-GRID_VALUES ] [-GRID_LUT ] [-GRID_LUT_MIN ] [-GRID_LUT_MAX ] [-GRID_LUT_NAM ]
-POLYGONS: Polygons
shapes, input
-RESULT: Result
shapes, output, optional
-GRID: Classes
grid, input
-PROCESS: Processing Order
Available Choices:
[0] cell by cell
[1] polygon by polygon
Default: 1
-METHOD: Cell Area Intersection
Available Choices:
[0] cell center
[1] cell area
Default: 0
-OUTPUT: Output Measurement
Available Choices:
[0] total area
[1] percentage
Default: 0
-GRID_VALUES: Class Definition
Available Choices:
[0] values are class identifiers
[1] use look-up table
Default: 0
-GRID_LUT: Look-up Table
table, input, optional
table field
-GRID_LUT_MAX: Value (Maximum)
table field
table field