SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Split Lines at Points


The tool allows one to split lines at certain points. The points must be provided as point shapes. The order in which the input lines are stored is retained, i.e. split parts are inserted at their original location in the dataset. By using a minimum vertex distance, a splitting close to existing line vertex locations can be avoided.


InputLinesshapes, inputLINESThe input lines to split.-
Split Featuresshapes, inputSPLITThe points at which the input lines are to be split.-
OutputIntersectionshapes, outputINTERSECTThe split lines.-
OptionsOutputchoiceOUTPUTChoose the output line type, either polylines or separate lines.Available Choices: [0] polylines [1] separate lines Default: 1
Epsilonfloating point numberEPSILONThe tolerance used to find the point-line intersections [map units].Default: 0.000000
Minimum Vertex Distancefloating point numberMIN_VERTEX_DISTThe minimum distance of a point to a line vertex in order to split the line at the point's location [map units].Default: 0.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 8 [-LINES ] [-SPLIT ] [-INTERSECT ] [-OUTPUT ] [-EPSILON ] [-MIN_VERTEX_DIST ]
  -LINES:             	Lines
	shapes, input
  -SPLIT:             	Split Features
	shapes, input
  -INTERSECT:         	Intersection
	shapes, output
  -OUTPUT:            	Output
	Available Choices:
	[0] polylines
	[1] separate lines
	Default: 1
  -EPSILON:        	Epsilon
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000
  -MIN_VERTEX_DIST:	Minimum Vertex Distance
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000