SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Line Crossings


Line Crossings


Input1st Lines Layershapes, inputLINES_A--
2nd Lines Layershapes, inputLINES_B--
OutputCrossingsshapes, outputCROSSINGS--
OptionsParent AttributeschoiceATTRIBUTESattributes inherited by parent lines layersAvailable Choices: [0] index [1] attributes [2] index and attributes Default: 2

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 9 [-LINES_A ] [-LINES_B ] [-CROSSINGS ] [-ATTRIBUTES ]
  -LINES_A:   	1st Lines Layer
	shapes, input
  -LINES_B:   	2nd Lines Layer
	shapes, input
  -CROSSINGS: 	Crossings
	shapes, output
  -ATTRIBUTES:	Parent Attributes
	Available Choices:
	[0] index
	[1] attributes
	[2] index and attributes
	Default: 2