SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Polygon Self-Intersection


This tool identifies self-intersection in polygons. The Intersecting areas are added as new polygons to the dataset, leaving the input areas with the geometric difference. The new polygons are labeled with the identifier of the intersecting polygons separated by a '|' character. The identifier can be set with the "Identifier"-field option, otherwise the identifier is just the polygon index. Uses the free and open source software library Clipper created by Angus Johnson. Clipper Homepage Clipper at SourceForge


InputPolygonsshapes, inputPOLYGONS--
OutputIntersectionshapes, output, optionalINTERSECT--
OptionsIdentifiertable fieldID--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 12 [-POLYGONS ] [-ID ] [-INTERSECT ]
  -POLYGONS: 	Polygons
	shapes, input
  -ID:       	Identifier
	table field
  -INTERSECT:	Intersection
	shapes, output, optional