SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Symmetrical Difference


Calculates the symmetrical geometric difference of the overlaid polygon layers, i.e. layer A less layer B plus layer B less layer A. Uses the free and open source software library Clipper created by Angus Johnson. Clipper Homepage Clipper at SourceForge


InputLayer Ashapes, inputA--
Layer Bshapes, inputB--
OutputSymmetrical Differenceshapes, outputRESULT--
OptionsSplit PartsbooleanSPLITSet true if you want multipart polygons to become separate polygons.Default: 1

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 16 [-A ] [-B ] [-RESULT ] [-SPLIT ]
  -A:     	Layer A
	shapes, input
  -B:     	Layer B
	shapes, input
  -RESULT:	Symmetrical Difference
	shapes, output
  -SPLIT: 	Split Parts
	Default: 1