SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Focal Mechanism (Beachball Plots)


This tool creates a new polygon layer with beachball plots as representation of focal mechanism solution data. Focal mechanism data of earthquakes have to be supplied as strike and dip angles of the fault plane and rake angle (slip vector) as deviation from the strike angle.



InputPointsshapes, inputPOINTS--
OutputFocal Mechanism Beachballsshapes, outputPLOTS--
OptionsStriketable fieldSTRIKE--
Diptable fieldDIP--
Raketable fieldRAKE--
Sizetable fieldSIZE--
Defaultfloating point numberSIZE_DEF-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000
Scale to...value rangeSIZE_RANGE--
Arc Vertex Distance [Degree]floating point numberDARC-Minimum: 0.100000 Maximum: 10.000000 Default: 5.000000
StylechoiceSTYLE-Available Choices: [0] one [1] two Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 29 [-POINTS ] [-STRIKE ] [-DIP ] [-RAKE ] [-SIZE ] [-SIZE_DEF ] [-SIZE_RANGE_MIN ] [-SIZE_RANGE_MAX ] [-PLOTS ] [-DARC ] [-STYLE ]
  -POINTS:           	Points
	shapes, input
  -STRIKE:           	Strike
	table field
  -DIP:              	Dip
	table field
  -RAKE:             	Rake
	table field
  -SIZE:             	Size
	table field
  -SIZE_DEF:      	Default
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -SIZE_RANGE_MIN:	Scale to...
	value range
  -SIZE_RANGE_MAX:	Scale to...
	value range
  -PLOTS:            	Focal Mechanism Beachballs
	shapes, output
  -DARC:          	Arc Vertex Distance [Degree]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.100000
	Maximum: 10.000000
	Default: 5.000000
  -STYLE:            	Style
	Available Choices:
	[0] one
	[1] two
	Default: 0