Select by Attributes... (String Expression)
- Author: V.Olaya (c) 2004, O.Conrad (c) 2011
- Menu: Shapes | Selection
Searches for an character string expression in the attributes table and selects records where the expression is found.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Shapes | shapes, input | SHAPES | - | - |
Output | Copy | shapes, output | COPY | - | - |
Options | Attribute | table field | FIELD | attribute to be searched; if not set all attributes will be searched | - |
Expression | text | EXPRESSION | - | - |
Case Sensitive | boolean | CASE | - | Default: 1 |
Select if... | choice | COMPARE | - | Available Choices:
[0] attribute is identical with search expression
[1] attribute contains search expression
[2] attribute is contained in search expression
Default: 1 |
Inverse | boolean | INVERSE | - | Default: 0 |
Method | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices:
[0] new selection
[1] add to current selection
[2] select from current selection
[3] remove from current selection
Default: 0 |
Post Job | choice | POSTJOB | - | Available Choices:
[0] none
[1] copy
[2] move
[3] delete
Default: 0 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 4 [-SHAPES ] [-FIELD ] [-EXPRESSION ] [-CASE ] [-COMPARE ] [-INVERSE ] [-METHOD ] [-POSTJOB ] [-COPY ]
-SHAPES: Shapes
shapes, input
-FIELD: Attribute
table field
-EXPRESSION: Expression
-CASE: Case Sensitive
Default: 1
-COMPARE: Select if...
Available Choices:
[0] attribute is identical with search expression
[1] attribute contains search expression
[2] attribute is contained in search expression
Default: 1
-INVERSE: Inverse
Default: 0
-METHOD: Method
Available Choices:
[0] new selection
[1] add to current selection
[2] select from current selection
[3] remove from current selection
Default: 0
-POSTJOB: Post Job
Available Choices:
[0] none
[1] copy
[2] move
[3] delete
Default: 0
-COPY: Copy
shapes, output