SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

GWR for Single Predictor Grid


Geographically Weighted Regression for a single predictor supplied as grid, to which the regression model is applied. Further details can be stored optionally.



InputPointsshapes, inputPOINTS--
Predictorgrid, inputPREDICTOR--
OutputResidualsshapes, output, optionalRESIDUALS--
Regressiongrid, outputREGRESSION--
Coefficient of Determinationgrid, output, optionalQUALITY--
Interceptgrid, output, optionalINTERCEPT--
Slopegrid, output, optionalSLOPE--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Dependent Variabletable fieldDEPENDENT--
Logistic RegressionbooleanLOGISTIC-Default: 0
Weighting FunctionchoiceDW_WEIGHTING-Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian Default: 3
Powerfloating point numberDW_IDW_POWER-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000
Bandwidthfloating point numberDW_BANDWIDTHBandwidth for exponential and Gaussian weightingMinimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000
Search RangechoiceSEARCH_RANGE-Available Choices: [0] local [1] global Default: 1
Maximum Search Distancefloating point numberSEARCH_RADIUSlocal maximum search distance given in map unitsMinimum: 0.000000 Default: 1000.000000
Number of PointschoiceSEARCH_POINTS_ALL-Available Choices: [0] maximum number of nearest points [1] all points within search distance Default: 1
Minimuminteger numberSEARCH_POINTS_MINminimum number of points to useMinimum: 1 Default: 16
Maximuminteger numberSEARCH_POINTS_MAXmaximum number of nearest pointsMinimum: 1 Default: 20

Command Line

  -POINTS:           	Points
	shapes, input
  -DEPENDENT:        	Dependent Variable
	table field
  -RESIDUALS:        	Residuals
	shapes, output, optional
  -PREDICTOR:        	Predictor
	grid, input
  -REGRESSION:       	Regression
	grid, output
  -QUALITY:          	Coefficient of Determination
	grid, output, optional
  -INTERCEPT:        	Intercept
	grid, output, optional
  -SLOPE:            	Slope
	grid, output, optional
  -LOGISTIC:         	Logistic Regression
	Default: 0
  -DW_WEIGHTING:     	Weighting Function
	Available Choices:
	[0] no distance weighting
	[1] inverse distance to a power
	[2] exponential
	[3] gaussian
	Default: 3
  -DW_IDW_POWER:  	Power
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 2.000000
  -DW_BANDWIDTH:  	Bandwidth
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -SEARCH_RANGE:     	Search Range
	Available Choices:
	[0] local
	[1] global
	Default: 1
  -SEARCH_RADIUS: 	Maximum Search Distance
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1000.000000
  -SEARCH_POINTS_ALL:	Number of Points
	Available Choices:
	[0] maximum number of nearest points
	[1] all points within search distance
	Default: 1
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 16
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 20