Compound Terrain Classification
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2024
- Menu: Terrain Analysis | Compound Analyses
A one-step tool for the creation of selected terrain classifications.For details look at the description of the tools used for processing:
- [ta_morphometry] Surface Specific Points
- [ta_morphometry] Curvature Classification
- [ta_morphometry] Fuzzy Landform Element Classification
- [ta_morphometry] Morphometric Features
- [ta_morphometry] TPI Based Landform Classification
- [ta_morphometry] Terrain Surface Classification (Iwahashi and Pike)
- [ta_lighting] Geomorphons
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Elevation | grid, input | ELEVATION | - | - |
Output | Surface Specific Points | grid, output | SPECPOINTS | - | - |
Curvature Classification | grid, output | CURVATURE | - | - |
Fuzzy Landform Classification | grid, output | FUZZY | - | - |
Morphometric Features | grid, output | MORPHOMETRIC | - | - |
Topographic Position Classification | grid, output | TPI | - | - |
Geomorphons | grid, output | GEOMORPHONS | - | - |
Terrain Surface Classification | grid, output | TERRAINSURF | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Scale | integer number | SCALE | Targeted scale (cells). Does not affect "Surface Specific Points" and "Fuzzy Landform Classification". | Minimum: 2
Default: 10 |
Command Line
-ELEVATION: Elevation
grid, input
-SPECPOINTS: Surface Specific Points
grid, output
-CURVATURE: Curvature Classification
grid, output
-FUZZY: Fuzzy Landform Classification
grid, output
-MORPHOMETRIC: Morphometric Features
grid, output
-TPI: Topographic Position Classification
grid, output
-GEOMORPHONS: Geomorphons
grid, output
-TERRAINSURF: Terrain Surface Classification
grid, output
-SCALE: Scale
integer number
Minimum: 2
Default: 10