SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation



This tool computes both a continuous and a categorical TOBIA (Topography Bedding Intersection Angle) Index according to Meentemeyer & Moody (2000) For computation, a slope and a aspect raster (both in radians) determining slope face orientations are required. The categorical TOBIA classifies the alignment of a geological structure to Topography into seven classes: 0) Underdip slope 1) Dip slope 2) Overdip slope 3) Steepened escarpmemt 4) Normal escarpment 5) Subdued escarpment 6) Orthoclinal slope The continuous TOBIA index ranges from -1 to 1 (parallel orientation) The structure TOBIA should be calculated with can be set either distributed (through dip direction and dip grids, in degrees!), or globally using integers (dip and dip direction, in degrees!). The tool creates a TOBIA class integer grid, and (optionally) a continuous TOBIA index grid. Reference: Meentemeyer R. K., Moody A. (2000). Automated mapping of conformity between topographic and geological surfaces. Computers & Geosciences, 26, 815 - 829.


InputSlope grid (rad)grid, inputAA slope angle grid (in radians)-
Aspect grid (rad)grid, inputBA aspect angle grid (in radians)-
Dip grid (degrees) grid, input, optionalCA grid representing the dip of the structure plane (in degrees)-
Dip direction grid (degrees) grid, input, optionalDA grid representing the dip direction of the structure plane (in degrees)-
OutputTOBIA classesgrid, outputEResulting TOBIA classes (1-7) grid-
TOBIA indexgrid, output, optionalFResulting TOBIA index (-) grid-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Global structure dip (degrees)floating point numberfBConstant value if no raster setDefault: 45.000000
Global structure dip direction (degrees)floating point numberfCConstant value if no raster setDefault: 90.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd ta_slope_stability 1 [-A ] [-B ] [-C ] [-D ] [-fB ] [-fC ] [-E ] [-F ]
  -A:    	Slope grid (rad)
	grid, input
  -B:    	Aspect grid (rad)
	grid, input
  -C:    	Dip grid (degrees) 
	grid, input, optional
  -D:    	Dip direction grid (degrees) 
	grid, input, optional
  -fB:	Global structure dip (degrees)
	floating point number
	Default: 45.000000
  -fC:	Global structure dip direction (degrees)
	floating point number
	Default: 90.000000
  -E:    	TOBIA classes
	grid, output
  -F:    	TOBIA index
	grid, output, optional