SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Fill Gaps in Records


This tool fills gaps in the table records. for the chosen attribute field it interpolates values for those records, which have no-data, using existing data from the surrounding records. If no order field is specified, simply the record index is taken as coordinate, for which the interpolation will be performed. Notice: extrapolation is not supported, i.e. only those gaps will be filled that have lower and higher values surrounding them following the record order.


InputTabletable, inputTABLE--
OutputTable without Gapstable, output, optionalNOGAPS--
OptionsOrdertable fieldORDER--
Fieldtable fieldFIELD--
InterpolationchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Linear [2] Spline Default: 1

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 9 [-TABLE ] [-ORDER ] [-FIELD ] [-NOGAPS ] [-METHOD ]
  -TABLE: 	Table
	table, input
  -ORDER: 	Order
	table field
  -FIELD: 	Field
	table field
  -NOGAPS:	Table without Gaps
	table, output, optional
  -METHOD:	Interpolation
	Available Choices:
	[0] Nearest Neighbour
	[1] Linear
	[2] Spline
	Default: 1