SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Field Enumeration


Enumeration of a table attribute, i.e. a unique identifier is assigned to identical values of the chosen attribute field. If no attribute is chosen, a simple enumeration is done for all records, and this with respect to the sorting order if the dataset has been indexed.


InputInputtable, inputINPUT--
OutputResulttable, output, optionalRESULT_TABLE--
Resultshapes, output, optionalRESULT_SHAPES--
OptionsAttributetable fieldFIELD--
Enumerationtable fieldENUM--
Enumeration Field NametextNAME-Default: ENUM
OrderchoiceORDER-Available Choices: [0] ascending [1] descending Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 2 [-INPUT ] [-FIELD ] [-ENUM ] [-NAME ] [-ORDER ] [-RESULT_TABLE ] [-RESULT_SHAPES ]
  -INPUT:        	Input
	table, input
  -FIELD:        	Attribute
	table field
  -ENUM:         	Enumeration
	table field
  -NAME:         	Enumeration Field Name
	Default: ENUM
  -ORDER:        	Order
	Available Choices:
	[0] ascending
	[1] descending
	Default: 0
  -RESULT_TABLE: 	Result
	table, output, optional
	shapes, output, optional