SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Land Cover Scenario Offset


Prepare your scenario for subsequent travel time analysis with information on topography, road network, and vegetation cover. Topography is used for automated channel network delineation. Resulting channels are categorized by their Strahler order. In the final land cover map channels use numbers above 100 (i.e. '101, 102, 103, ...' representing increasing Strahler orders). Likewise roads use numbers above 200 with the exact number based on the attribute chosen to specify the road type (i.e. 201, 202, 203, ...). Vegetation cover takes the original numbers for the final map, so these should not intermingle with numbers used for channel and road representation. Find further information at Rohan Fisher's web page on Travel Time Modelling with SAGA.



InputRoadsshapes, inputROAD_LINES--
Channel Networkshapes, input, optionalCHANNEL_LINES--
Elevationgrid, inputDEM--
Vegetationgrid, inputVEGETATION--
OutputLand Covergrid, outputLANDCOVER--
OptionsAttributetable fieldROAD_CLASSattribute specifying road's type with regard to travel time-
Stream Ordertable fieldCHANNEL_ORDER--
Grid Systemgrid systemDEM_SYSTEM--
Grid Systemgrid systemLANDCOVER_SYSTEM--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd tta_tools tta_LandCover [-ROAD_LINES ] [-ROAD_CLASS ] [-CHANNEL_LINES ] [-CHANNEL_ORDER ] [-DEM ] [-VEGETATION ] [-LANDCOVER ]
  -ROAD_LINES:   	Roads
	shapes, input
  -ROAD_CLASS:   	Attribute
	table field
  -CHANNEL_LINES:	Channel Network
	shapes, input, optional
  -CHANNEL_ORDER:	Stream Order
	table field
  -DEM:          	Elevation
	grid, input
  -VEGETATION:   	Vegetation
	grid, input
  -LANDCOVER:    	Land Cover
	grid, output