Category | Library | Description | Tools |
Climate & Weather | Climate & Weather Tools | Tools for the processing and analysis of climate and weather data. | 32 |
Garden | Fractals | Fractals | 4 |
Garden | Web Services | Web Services | 1 |
Grid | Analysis | Some Grid Analysis Tools. | 27 |
Grid | Calculus | Grid based or related calculations. | 24 |
Grid | Calculus BSL | Boehner's Simple Language (BSL) is a macro script language for grid based calculations. | 2 |
Grid | Filter | Various filter and convolution tools for raster data. | 20 |
Grid | Filter (Perego 2009) | Contributions from Alessandro Perego. Go to for further information. | 8 |
Grid | Gridding | Tools for the gridding of points and other vector data. | 11 |
Grid | Spline Interpolation | Several spline interpolation/approximation methods for the gridding of scattered data. In most cases the 'Multilevel B-spline Interpolation' might be the optimal choice. | 8 |
Grid | Tools | Tools for the manipulation of gridded data. | 37 |
Grid Collection | Grid Collection Tools | Tools for grid collections. | 8 |
Imagery | Classification | Classification tools for grids. | 5 |
Imagery | ISODATA Clustering | ISODATA Clustering tools | 1 |
Imagery | Maximum Entropy | Maximum entropy based classification and prediction. | 2 |
Imagery | OpenCV | OpenCV - "Open Source Computer Vision Library"
Version: 4.3.0
OpenCV homepage | 17 |
Imagery | Photogrammetry | Photogrammetry tools. | 2 |
Imagery | SVM | Interface to LIBSVM - A Library for Support Vector Machines.
Chang, C.-C. / Lin, C.-J. (2011): A library for support vector machines. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol.2/3, p.1-27. LIBSVM Homepage.
| 1 |
Imagery | Segmentation | Image segmentation algorithms. | 6 |
Imagery | Tools | Image processing and analysis tools. | 23 |
Imagery | ViGrA [deprecated] | ViGrA - "Vision with Generic Algorithms"
Version: 1.11.1
ViGrA is a novel computer vision library that puts its main emphasize on customizable algorithms and data structures. By using template techniques similar to those in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), you can easily adapt any ViGrA component to the needs of your application, without thereby giving up execution speed.
Find out more at the ViGrA - Homepage.
Because the ViGrA project seems to be abandoned since quite a while SAGA's ViGrA tool set has been marked as deprecated and might become removed from future SAGA versions! | 11 |
Import/Export | ESRI E00 | Import and export filter for ESRI's E00 file exchange format. | 1 |
Import/Export | GDAL/OGR | Interface to Frank Warmerdam's Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL).
Version 3.9.2
| 15 |
Import/Export | GPS Tools | Tools for GPS data handling. | 2 |
Import/Export | Grids | Tools for the import and export of gridded data. | 18 |
Import/Export | Images | Image Import/Export. | 5 |
Import/Export | ODBC/OTL | Database access via Open Data Base Connection (ODBC) interface. Based on the OTL (Oracle, Odbc and DB2-CLI Template Library), Version 4.0: | 12 |
Import/Export | PDAL | Tools that use the Point Data Abstraction Library (PDAL).
PDAL Version: 2.7.2 (git-version: Release) | 3 |
Import/Export | PostgreSQL | Accessing PostgreSQL databases. | 27 |
Import/Export | Riegl RDB | Tools to import RDB files. | 2 |
Import/Export | Shapes | Tools for the import and export of vector data. | 25 |
Import/Export | Tables | Tools for the import and export of tables. | 4 |
Import/Export | Virtual | Tools for the handling of virtual datasets. | 5 |
Import/Export | Web Services | Web Services | 3 |
Projection | GeoTRANS | Coordinate Transformations based on the GeoTRANS-Engine of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). | 2 |
Projection | Georeferencing | Tools for the georeferencing of spatial data. | 7 |
Projection | PROJ | Projection routines make use of the PROJ generic coordinate transformation software.
PROJ Version is 9.4.1
PROJ Homepage | 22 |
Reports | HTML | Reports and document creation in Hypertext Mark Up Language (HTML) format. | 1 |
Reports | PDF | Create reports in the Portable Document Format (PDF). The export tools are using the free open source library libHaru version 2.4.2 | 3 |
Shapes | Lines | Tools for lines. | 18 |
Shapes | Point Clouds | Tools for point clouds. | 16 |
Shapes | Points | Tools for the manipulation of point vector data. | 24 |
Shapes | Polygons | Tools for polygons. | 23 |
Shapes | Shapes-Grid Tools | Tools related to gridded and vector data (conversions, combinations, etc.). | 18 |
Shapes | Tools | Tools for the manipulation of vector data. | 29 |
Shapes | Transects | A SAGA tool to create transects through polygon files. | 1 |
Simulation | Air Flow Simulations | Air Flow Simulations | 1 |
Simulation | Cellular Automata | Cellular Automata | 3 |
Simulation | Erosion | Modelling erosion processes. | 1 |
Simulation | Fire Spreading Analysis | Fire spreading analyses based on the BEHAVE fire modeling system supported by the U.S. Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Management. Find more information on BEHAVE at the Public Domain Software for the Wildland Fire Community at
Andrews, P.L. (1986): BEHAVE: Fire Behavior Prediction and Fuel Modeling System - Burn Subsystem, Part 1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service General, Technical Report INT-194. | 2 |
Simulation | Geomorphology | This library contains tools for the simulation of geomorphological processes. | 1 |
Simulation | Hydrology | Simulation of hydrological processes. | 12 |
Simulation | Hydrology: IHACRES | The metric conceptual rainfall-runoff model IHACRES (Identification of unit Hydrographs and Component flows from Rainfall, Evaporation and Streamflow data) has been implemented as a module library. The IHACRES model was developed by: Jakeman, A.J. and G.M. Hornberger (1993); Jakeman et al. (1990).
The tool can be used to simulate streamflow (catchment runoff) on the basis of daily rainfall and temperature data. No spatial data, such as elevation models, soil or land use maps are required.
IHACRES has been applied to catchments with a wide range of climatologies and sizes (Croke et al., 2004). It has been used to predict streamflow in ungauged catchments (Kokkonen et al., 2003; Post and Jakeman, 1999; Post et al., 1998), to study land cover effects on hydrologic processes (Croke et al., 2004; Kokkonen and Jakeman, 2002), and to investigate dynamic response characteristics and physical catchment descriptors (Kokkonen et al., 2003; Sefton and Howarth, 1998).
More recently, the model has been used to develop a rainfall-runoff database for flood risk assessment and forecasting by Liersch, S. and M. Volk (2008) (pdf).
- Croke, B.F.W., Merritt, W.S., Jakeman, A.J., 2004. A dynamic model for predicting hydrologic response to land cover changes in gauged and ungauged catchments. Journal Of Hydrology 291 (1), 115-31.
- Jakeman, A.J., Littlewood, I.G., Whitehead, P.G., 1990. Computation of the instantaneous unit hydrograph and identifiable component flows with application to two small upland catchments. Journal of Hydrology 117 (1-4), 275-300.
- Jakeman, A.J. and Hornberger, G.M., 1993. How Much Complexity Is Warranted in a Rainfall-Runoff Model?. Water Resources Research 29 (8), 2637-49.
- Kokkonen, T.S., Jakeman, A.J., Young, P.C., Koivusalo, H.J., 2003. Predicting daily flows in ungauged catchments: model regionalization from catchment descriptors at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory. North Carolina Hydrological Processes 17 (11), 2219-38.
- Kokkonen, T.S. and Jakeman, A.J., 2002. Structural Effects of Landscape and Land Use on Streamflow Response. In: Environmental Foresight and Models: A Manifesto, 303-321.
- Liersch, S. and M. Volk, 2008. A rainfall-runoff database to support flood risk assessment. iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. In: M. Sanchez-Marre, J. Bejar, J. Comas, A. Rizzoli and G. Guariso (Eds.): Proceedings of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008. Vol. 1: 494-502. ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0. (PEER reviewed).
- Post, D.A. and Jakeman, A.J., 1999. Predicting the daily streamflow of ungauged catchments in S.E. Australia by regionalising the parameters of a lumped conceptual rainfall-runoff model. Ecological Modelling 123 (2-3), 91-104.
- Post, D.A., Jones, J.A. and Grant, G.E., 1998. An improved methodology for predicting the daily hydrologic response of ungauged catchments. Environmental Modelling & Software 13 (3-4), 395-403.
- Sefton, C.E.M. and Howarth, S.M., 1998. Relationships between dynamic response characteristics and physical descriptors of catchments in England and Wales. Journal of Hydrology 211 (1-4), 1-16.
| 5 |
Simulation | Landscape Evolution | Tools for landscape evolution modelling. | 1 |
Simulation | Modelling the Human Impact on Nature | Numerical models for ecological processes. Examples have been taken from:
Hugget, R.J. (1993): 'Modelling the Human Impact on Nature', Oxford University Press. | 3 |
Simulation | QM of ESP | Quantitative Modeling of Earth Surface Processes.
SAGA implementations following the examples from the text book:
Pelletier, J.D. (2008): Quantitative Modeling of Earth Surface Processes. Cambridge, 295p. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511813849 | 5 |
Simulation | RivFlow | RivFlow. | 4 |
Spatial and Geostatistics | Grids | Tools for spatial and geostatistical analyses. | 22 |
Spatial and Geostatistics | Kriging | Kriging - tools for the geostatistical interpolation of irregularly distributed point data. | 7 |
Spatial and Geostatistics | Points | Spatial and geostatistical analyses of point data. | 5 |
Spatial and Geostatistics | Regression | Tools for correlation and regression analyses. | 17 |
TIN | Tools | Tools for Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) processing. | 7 |
Table | Calculus | Tools for table based analyses and calculations. | 13 |
Table | Tools | Tools for the creation and manipulation of tables. | 22 |
Terrain Analysis | Channels | Tools for (grid based) digital terrain analysis. | 8 |
Terrain Analysis | CliffMetrics | CliffMetrics (Automatic Cliff Metrics delineation) delineates the location of the coastline, coastline normals, and cliff top and toe location along these normals. | 2 |
Terrain Analysis | Compound Analyses | This library provides one-step tools for compound terrain analyses. | 5 |
Terrain Analysis | Hydrology | Tools for digital terrain analysis. | 24 |
Terrain Analysis | Lighting & Visibility | Lighting and visibility related analyses for digital terrain models. | 7 |
Terrain Analysis | Morphometry | Tools for (grid based) digital terrain analysis. | 30 |
Terrain Analysis | Preprocessing | Tools for the preprocessing of digital terrain models. | 9 |
Terrain Analysis | Profiles | Simple, flow path and swath profiles. | 3 |
Terrain Analysis | Slope Stability | Tools for slope stability analyses. Developed by Andreas Günther, BGR, B2.2 | 6 |
Tool Chains | Climate and Weather Tools | Tools for the processing and analysis of climate and weather data.
| 1 |
Tool Chains | Geomorphometry | Tools for morphometric terrain analysis. | 3 |
Tool Chains | Grid Collection Tools | Tools for grid collections.
| 5 |
Tool Chains | Grid Filter | Various filter and convolution tools for raster data.
| 3 |
Tool Chains | Grid Statistics | Tools for spatial and geostatistical grid analyses.
| 1 |
Tool Chains | Grid Tools | Tools for the manipulation of gridded data.
| 2 |
Tool Chains | Hydrologic Terrain Analysis | Tools for hydrology related terrain analysis. | 4 |
Tool Chains | Image Classification | Classification tools for grids. | 2 |
Tool Chains | Image Segmentation | Image segmentation algorithms. | 1 |
Tool Chains | Points | Tools for polygons. | 1 |
Tool Chains | Polygons | Tools for polygons. | 3 |
Tool Chains | Shapes Tools | Tools for the manipulation of vector data.
| 1 |
Tool Chains | Shapes-Grid Tools | Tools related to gridded and vector data (conversions, combinations, etc.).
| 1 |
Tool Chains | Table Import and Export | Tools for the import and export of tables.
| 1 |
Tool Chains | Travel Time Analysis | The travel time tools were created to join together and automate a number of processing steps in order to simplify service access modelling. The purpose of these tools is to create a simple open source way of calculating travel time to services to facilitate rapid testing of multiple travel scenarios.
Two tools have been created using SAGA GIS Tool Chains. The SAGA Tool Chains capability uses a simple xml scripting code that allows the joining of multiple SAGA processes. The two tools produced are (1) for land cover grid creation and (2) travel time calculation, the latter requiring the output of the first. Separating the two tools allows for simpler and faster execution to test multiple scenarios with the Travel Time Grid creation tool without having to recalculate the base land cover grid each analysis iteration.
Find further information at Rohan Fisher's web page on Travel Time Modelling with SAGA.
| 2 |
Tool Chains | Uncategorized Tool Chains | Uncategorized Tool Chains | 1 |
Visualization | 3D Viewer | 3D Viewer. | 7 |
Visualization | Grids | Visualization tools for grids. | 12 |