SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Monthly Global by Latitude


Orbital parameters used here are based on the work of Andre L. Berger and its implementation from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). Berger's orbital parameters are considered to be valid for approximately 1 million years.



InputAlbedotable, input, optionalALBEDO--
OutputSolar Radiationtable, outputSOLARRAD--
OptionsFieldtable fieldFIELD--
Year [ka]floating point numberYEAR-Default: 2.000000
Latitude Increment [Degree]integer numberDLAT-Minimum: 1 Maximum: 90 Default: 5

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 5 [-SOLARRAD ] [-ALBEDO ] [-FIELD ] [-YEAR ] [-DLAT ]
  -SOLARRAD:	Solar Radiation
	table, output
  -ALBEDO:  	Albedo
	table, input, optional
  -FIELD:   	Field
	table field
  -YEAR: 	Year [ka]
	floating point number
	Default: 2.000000
  -DLAT:    	Latitude Increment [Degree]
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Maximum: 90
	Default: 5