SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

IMCORR - Feature Tracking


The tool performs an image correlation based on two raster data sets. Additionally, two DTMs can be given and used to obtain 3D displacement vectors. This is a SAGA implementation of the standalone IMCORR software provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado / US.



InputGrid 1grid, inputGRID_1The first grid to correlate-
Grid 2grid, inputGRID_2The second grid to correlate-
DTM 1grid, input, optionalDTM_1The first DTM used to assign height information to grid 1-
DTM 2grid, input, optionalDTM_2The second DTM used to assign height information to grid 2-
OutputCorrelated Pointsshapes, outputCORRPOINTSCorrelated points with displacement and correlation information-
Displacement Vectorshapes, outputCORRLINESDisplacement vectors between correlated points-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Search Chip Size (Cells)choiceSEARCH_CHIPSIZEChip size of search chip, used to find correlating reference chipAvailable Choices: [0] 16x16 [1] 32x32 [2] 64x64 [3] 128x128 [4] 256x256 Default: 2
Reference Chip Size (Cells)choiceREF_CHIPSIZEChip size of reference chip to be found in search chipAvailable Choices: [0] 16x16 [1] 32x32 [2] 64x64 [3] 128x128 Default: 1
Grid Spacing (Map Units)floating point numberGRID_SPACINGGrid spacing used for the construction of correlated points [map units]Minimum: 0.100000 Maximum: 256.000000 Default: 10.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 19 [-GRID_1 ] [-GRID_2 ] [-DTM_1 ] [-DTM_2 ] [-CORRPOINTS ] [-CORRLINES ] [-SEARCH_CHIPSIZE ] [-REF_CHIPSIZE ] [-GRID_SPACING ]
  -GRID_1:         	Grid 1
	grid, input
  -GRID_2:         	Grid 2
	grid, input
  -DTM_1:          	DTM 1
	grid, input, optional
  -DTM_2:          	DTM 2
	grid, input, optional
  -CORRPOINTS:     	Correlated Points
	shapes, output
  -CORRLINES:      	Displacement Vector
	shapes, output
  -SEARCH_CHIPSIZE:	Search Chip Size (Cells)
	Available Choices:
	[0] 16x16
	[1] 32x32
	[2] 64x64
	[3] 128x128
	[4] 256x256
	Default: 2
  -REF_CHIPSIZE:   	Reference Chip Size (Cells)
	Available Choices:
	[0] 16x16
	[1] 32x32
	[2] 64x64
	[3] 128x128
	Default: 1
  -GRID_SPACING:	Grid Spacing (Map Units)
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.100000
	Maximum: 256.000000
	Default: 10.000000