SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Spherical Harmonic Synthesis


Synthesis of a completely normalized spherical harmonic expansion. The coefficients are read from the input file (ASCII file, columns separated by space).


OutputSynthesized Griddata object Grid, output, optionalOUTPUT_GRIDSynthesized Grid-
OptionsFile with Coefficientsfile pathFILEASCII file with columns degree, order, c_lm, s_lm (separated by space)-
Start Degreeinteger numberMINDEGREEStart DegreeDefault: 0
Expansion Degreeinteger numberMAXDEGREEExpansion DegreeDefault: 180
Start Latitudefloating point numberLAT_STARTStart LatitudeDefault: -90.000000
End Latitudefloating point numberEND_LATEnd LatitudeDefault: 90.000000
Start Longitudefloating point numberLONG_STARTStart LongitudeDefault: -180.000000
End Longitudefloating point numberEND_LONGEnd LongitudeDefault: 180.000000
Latitude / Longitude Incrementfloating point numberINCLatitude / Longitude IncrementDefault: 1.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_calculus 19 [-OUTPUT_GRID ] [-FILE ] [-MINDEGREE ] [-MAXDEGREE ] [-LAT_START ] [-END_LAT ] [-LONG_START ] [-END_LONG ] [-INC ]
  -OUTPUT_GRID:  	Synthesized Grid
	data object Grid, output, optional
  -FILE:         	File with Coefficients
	file path
  -MINDEGREE:    	Start Degree
	integer number
	Default: 0
  -MAXDEGREE:    	Expansion Degree
	integer number
	Default: 180
  -LAT_START: 	Start Latitude
	floating point number
	Default: -90.000000
  -END_LAT:   	End Latitude
	floating point number
	Default: 90.000000
  -LONG_START:	Start Longitude
	floating point number
	Default: -180.000000
  -END_LONG:  	End Longitude
	floating point number
	Default: 180.000000
  -INC:       	Latitude / Longitude Increment
	floating point number
	Default: 1.000000