SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Binary Erosion-Reconstruction


Common binary opening does not guarantee, that foreground regions which outlast the erosion step are reconstructed to their original shape in the dilation step. Depending on the application, that might be considered as a deficiency. Therefore this tool provides a combination of erosion with the binary Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction, see Vincent (1993). Here we use the algorithm on p. 194: Breadth-first Scanning. The marker is defined as the eroded input grid, whereas the mask is just the input grid itself. The output grid is the reconstruction of the marker under the mask.



InputInput Gridgrid, inputINPUT_GRIDGrid to be filtered-
OutputOutput Gridgrid, outputOUTPUT_GRIDReconstruction result-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Filter Size (Radius)integer numberRADIUSFilter size (radius in grid cells)Default: 3

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 13 [-INPUT_GRID ] [-OUTPUT_GRID ] [-RADIUS ]
  -INPUT_GRID: 	Input Grid
	grid, input
  -OUTPUT_GRID:	Output Grid
	grid, output
  -RADIUS:     	Filter Size (Radius)
	integer number
	Default: 3