Import Sentinel-2 Scene
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2019
- Menu: File | Satellite Imagery
Import Sentinel-2 scenes from a folder structure as provided by the original ESA download.
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Shapes Extent | shapes, input | EXTENT_SHAPES | - | - |
Output | Spectral Bands | grid list, output | BANDS | - | - |
Auxiliary Bands | grid list, output | BANDS_AUX | - | - | |
Options | Metadata File | file path | METAFILE | - | - |
Spectral Bands as Grid Collection | boolean | MULTI2GRIDS | - | Default: 1 | |
Aerosol, Vapour, Cirrus | boolean | LOAD_60M | - | Default: 0 | |
Aerosol Optical Thickness | boolean | LOAD_AOT | - | Default: 0 | |
Water Vapour | boolean | LOAD_WVP | - | Default: 0 | |
Scene Classification | boolean | LOAD_SCL | - | Default: 0 | |
Reflectance Values | choice | REFLECTANCE | - | Available Choices: [0] digital number [1] fraction Default: 1 | |
Resolution | choice | RESOLUTION | Allows to resample all spectral bands to the same target resolution, either 10 or 20m. | Available Choices: [0] original [1] 10m [2] 20m Default: 0 | |
Coordinate System | choice | PROJECTION | If using the extent option in combination with 'Different UTM Zone' or 'Geographic Coordinates' extent is expected to be defined with UTM North coordinates. | Available Choices: [0] original [1] UTM North [2] UTM South [3] Different UTM Zone [4] Geographic Coordinates Default: 0 | |
Resampling | choice | RESAMPLING | - | Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [3] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 3 | |
Zone | integer number | UTM_ZONE | - | Minimum: 1 Maximum: 60 Default: 32 | |
South | boolean | UTM_SOUTH | - | Default: 0 | |
Extent | choice | EXTENT | - | Available Choices: [0] original [1] user defined [2] grid system [3] shapes extent Default: 0 | |
Left | floating point number | EXTENT_XMIN | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
Right | floating point number | EXTENT_XMAX | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
Bottom | floating point number | EXTENT_YMIN | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
Top | floating point number | EXTENT_YMAX | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
Grid System | grid system | EXTENT_GRID | - | - | |
Buffer | floating point number | EXTENT_BUFFER | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 15 [-METAFILE] [-BANDS ] [-BANDS_AUX ] [-MULTI2GRIDS ] [-LOAD_60M ] [-LOAD_AOT ] [-LOAD_WVP ] [-LOAD_SCL ] [-REFLECTANCE ] [-RESOLUTION ] [-PROJECTION ] [-RESAMPLING ] [-UTM_ZONE ] [-UTM_SOUTH ] [-EXTENT ] [-EXTENT_XMIN ] [-EXTENT_XMAX ] [-EXTENT_YMIN ] [-EXTENT_YMAX ] [-EXTENT_GRID_D ] [-EXTENT_GRID_X ] [-EXTENT_GRID_Y ] [-EXTENT_GRID_NX ] [-EXTENT_GRID_NY ] [-EXTENT_GRID_FILE ] [-EXTENT_SHAPES ] [-EXTENT_BUFFER ] -METAFILE: Metadata File file path -BANDS: Spectral Bands grid list, output -BANDS_AUX: Auxiliary Bands grid list, output -MULTI2GRIDS: Spectral Bands as Grid Collection boolean Default: 1 -LOAD_60M: Aerosol, Vapour, Cirrus boolean Default: 0 -LOAD_AOT: Aerosol Optical Thickness boolean Default: 0 -LOAD_WVP: Water Vapour boolean Default: 0 -LOAD_SCL: Scene Classification boolean Default: 0 -REFLECTANCE: Reflectance Values choice Available Choices: [0] digital number [1] fraction Default: 1 -RESOLUTION: Resolution choice Available Choices: [0] original [1] 10m [2] 20m Default: 0 -PROJECTION: Coordinate System choice Available Choices: [0] original [1] UTM North [2] UTM South [3] Different UTM Zone [4] Geographic Coordinates Default: 0 -RESAMPLING: Resampling choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [3] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 3 -UTM_ZONE: Zone integer number Minimum: 1 Maximum: 60 Default: 32 -UTM_SOUTH: South boolean Default: 0 -EXTENT: Extent choice Available Choices: [0] original [1] user defined [2] grid system [3] shapes extent Default: 0 -EXTENT_XMIN: Left floating point number Default: 0.000000 -EXTENT_XMAX: Right floating point number Default: 0.000000 -EXTENT_YMIN: Bottom floating point number Default: 0.000000 -EXTENT_YMAX: Top floating point number Default: 0.000000 -EXTENT_GRID_D: Cell Size -EXTENT_GRID_X: Lower Left Center Cell X-Coordinate -EXTENT_GRID_Y: Lower Left Center Cell Y-Coordinate -EXTENT_GRID_NX: Number of Columns -EXTENT_GRID_NY: Number of Rows -EXTENT_GRID_FILE: Grid File -EXTENT_SHAPES: Shapes Extent shapes, input -EXTENT_BUFFER: Buffer floating point number Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 0.000000