SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Import TMS Image


The "Import TMS Image" tool imports a map image from a Tile Mapping Service (TMS) using the "Geospatial Data Abstraction Library" (GDAL) by Frank Warmerdam. GDAL Version:3.9.2



InputTarget Systemgrid, input, optionalTARGET--
OutputTarget Mapgrid, outputTARGET_MAP--
OptionsGrid systemgrid systemTARGET_GRIDSYSTEM--
Grid systemgrid systemTARGET_MAP_GRIDSYSTEM--
ServerchoiceSERVER-Available Choices: [0] Open Street Map [1] Google Map [2] Google Satellite [3] Google Hybrid [4] Google Terrain [5] Google Terrain, Streets and Water [6] ArcGIS MapServer Tiles [7] TopPlusOpen [8] EMODnet Bathymetry WMTS service [9] user defined Default: 0
EPSGinteger numberSERVER_EPSG-Default: 3857
Block Sizeinteger numberBLOCKSIZE-Minimum: 32 Default: 256
CachebooleanCACHEEnable local disk cache. Allows for offline operation.Default: 0
Cache Directoryfile pathCACHE_DIRIf not specified the cache will be created in the current user's temporary directory.-
Gray Scale ImagebooleanGRAYSCALE-Default: 0
Westfloating point numberXMIN-Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: -20037508.340000
Southfloating point numberYMIN-Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: -20037508.340000
Eastfloating point numberXMAX-Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: 20037508.340000
Northfloating point numberYMAX-Minimum: -20037508.340000 Maximum: 20037508.340000 Default: 20037508.340000
Columnsinteger numberNX-Minimum: 1 Default: 600
Rowsinteger numberNY-Minimum: 1 Default: 600

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 9 [-TARGET ] [-TARGET_MAP ] [-SERVER ] [-SERVER_USER ] [-SERVER_EPSG ] [-BLOCKSIZE ] [-CACHE ] [-CACHE_DIR ] [-GRAYSCALE ] [-XMIN ] [-YMIN ] [-XMAX ] [-YMAX ] [-NX ] [-NY ]
  -TARGET:     	Target System
	grid, input, optional
  -TARGET_MAP: 	Target Map
	grid, output
  -SERVER:     	Server
	Available Choices:
	[0] Open Street Map
	[1] Google Map
	[2] Google Satellite
	[3] Google Hybrid
	[4] Google Terrain
	[5] Google Terrain, Streets and Water
	[6] ArcGIS MapServer Tiles
	[7] TopPlusOpen
	[8] EMODnet Bathymetry WMTS service
	[9] user defined
	Default: 0
  -SERVER_USER:	Server
	integer number
	Default: 3857
  -BLOCKSIZE:  	Block Size
	integer number
	Minimum: 32
	Default: 256
  -CACHE:      	Cache
	Default: 0
  -CACHE_DIR:  	Cache Directory
	file path
  -GRAYSCALE:  	Gray Scale Image
	Default: 0
  -XMIN:    	West
	floating point number
	Minimum: -20037508.340000
	Maximum: 20037508.340000
	Default: -20037508.340000
  -YMIN:    	South
	floating point number
	Minimum: -20037508.340000
	Maximum: 20037508.340000
	Default: -20037508.340000
  -XMAX:    	East
	floating point number
	Minimum: -20037508.340000
	Maximum: 20037508.340000
	Default: 20037508.340000
  -YMAX:    	North
	floating point number
	Minimum: -20037508.340000
	Maximum: 20037508.340000
	Default: 20037508.340000
  -NX:         	Columns
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 600
  -NY:         	Rows
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 600