SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid


Import grid from ESRI's Arc/Info grid format.


OutputGriddata object Grid, output, optionalGRID--
OptionsFilefile pathFILE--
Target Grid TypechoiceGRID_TYPE-Available Choices: [0] Integer (2 byte) [1] Integer (4 byte) [2] Floating Point (4 byte) [3] Floating Point (8 byte) Default: 2
No-Data ValuechoiceNODATAChoose whether the input file's NoData value or a user specified NoData value is writtenAvailable Choices: [0] Input File's NoData Value [1] User Defined NoData Value Default: 0
User Defined No-Data Valuefloating point numberNODATA_VAL-Default: -99999.000000
Coordinate System DefinitiontextCRS_STRINGSupported formats comprise PROJ and WKT strings, object codes (e.g. "EPSG:4326").-

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 1 [-GRID ] [-FILE ] [-GRID_TYPE ] [-NODATA ] [-NODATA_VAL ] [-CRS_STRING ]
  -GRID:         	Grid
	data object Grid, output, optional
  -FILE:         	File
	file path
  -GRID_TYPE:    	Target Grid Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] Integer (2 byte)
	[1] Integer (4 byte)
	[2] Floating Point (4 byte)
	[3] Floating Point (8 byte)
	Default: 2
  -NODATA:       	No-Data Value
	Available Choices:
	[0] Input File's NoData Value
	[1] User Defined NoData Value
	Default: 0
  -NODATA_VAL:	User Defined No-Data Value
	floating point number
	Default: -99999.000000
  -CRS_STRING:   	Coordinate System Definition