SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL)


An StL ("StereoLithography") file is a triangular representation of a 3-dimensional surface geometry. The surface is tessellated or broken down logically into a series of small triangles (facets). Each facet is described by a perpendicular direction and three points representing the vertices (corners) of the triangle (Ennex Research Corporation). The StL file format is commonly used for 3D printing.



InputTINTIN, inputTIN--
OptionsAttributetable fieldZFIELD--
Filefile pathFILE--
Output TypechoiceBINARY-Available Choices: [0] ASCII [1] binary Default: 1

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 12 [-TIN ] [-ZFIELD ] [-FILE ] [-BINARY ]
  -TIN:   	TIN
	TIN, input
  -ZFIELD:	Attribute
	table field
  -FILE:  	File
	file path
  -BINARY:	Output Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] ASCII
	[1] binary
	Default: 1