Rectify Grid List
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2006
- Menu: Projection | Georeferencing
Georeferencing and rectification for grids. Either choose the attribute fields (x/y) with the projected coordinates for the reference points (origin) or supply an additional points layer with correspondent points in the target projection.
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Reference Points (Origin) | shapes, input | REF_SOURCE | - | - |
Reference Points (Projection) | shapes, input, optional | REF_TARGET | - | - | |
Grids | grid list, input | GRIDS | - | - | |
Target System | grid, input, optional | TARGET_TEMPLATE | use this grid's system for output grids | - | |
Output | Target | grid list, output, optional | TARGET_GRIDS | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
x Position | table field | XFIELD | - | - | |
y Position | table field | YFIELD | - | - | |
Method | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices: [0] Automatic [1] Triangulation [2] Spline [3] Affine [4] 1st Order Polynomial [5] 2nd Order Polynomial [6] 3rd Order Polynomial [7] Polynomial, Order Default: 0 | |
Polynomial Order | integer number | ORDER | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 3 | |
Resampling | choice | RESAMPLING | - | Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [3] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 3 | |
Bytewise Interpolation | boolean | BYTEWISE | - | Default: 0 | |
Data Type | data type | DATA_TYPE | - | Available Choices: [0] unsigned 1 byte integer [1] signed 1 byte integer [2] unsigned 2 byte integer [3] signed 2 byte integer [4] unsigned 4 byte integer [5] signed 4 byte integer [6] unsigned 8 byte integer [7] signed 8 byte integer [8] 4 byte floating point number [9] 8 byte floating point number [10] Preserve Default: 10 | |
Coordinate System Definition | text | CRS_STRING | Supported formats comprise PROJ and WKT strings, object codes (e.g. "EPSG:4326"). | - | |
Target Grid System | choice | TARGET_DEFINITION | - | Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid or grid system Default: 0 | |
Cellsize | floating point number | TARGET_USER_SIZE | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 | |
West | floating point number | TARGET_USER_XMIN | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
East | floating point number | TARGET_USER_XMAX | - | Default: 100.000000 | |
South | floating point number | TARGET_USER_YMIN | - | Default: 0.000000 | |
North | floating point number | TARGET_USER_YMAX | - | Default: 100.000000 | |
Columns | integer number | TARGET_USER_COLS | Number of cells in East-West direction. | Minimum: 1 Default: 101 | |
Rows | integer number | TARGET_USER_ROWS | Number of cells in North-South direction. | Minimum: 1 Default: 101 | |
Rounding | boolean | TARGET_USER_FLAT | Round bounding coordinates to multiples of cell size. Ignored if cell size has decimal places. | Default: 1 | |
Fit | choice | TARGET_USER_FITS | - | Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 | |
Grid System | grid system | TARGET_SYSTEM | - | - |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd pj_georeference 10 [-REF_SOURCE] [-REF_TARGET ] [-XFIELD ] [-YFIELD ] [-METHOD ] [-ORDER ] [-RESAMPLING ] [-BYTEWISE ] [-DATA_TYPE ] [-CRS_STRING ] [-GRIDS ] [-TARGET_GRIDS ] [-TARGET_DEFINITION ] [-TARGET_USER_SIZE ] [-TARGET_USER_XMIN ] [-TARGET_USER_XMAX ] [-TARGET_USER_YMIN ] [-TARGET_USER_YMAX ] [-TARGET_USER_COLS ] [-TARGET_USER_ROWS ] [-TARGET_USER_FLAT ] [-TARGET_USER_FITS ] [-TARGET_TEMPLATE ] -REF_SOURCE: Reference Points (Origin) shapes, input -REF_TARGET: Reference Points (Projection) shapes, input, optional -XFIELD: x Position table field -YFIELD: y Position table field -METHOD: Method choice Available Choices: [0] Automatic [1] Triangulation [2] Spline [3] Affine [4] 1st Order Polynomial [5] 2nd Order Polynomial [6] 3rd Order Polynomial [7] Polynomial, Order Default: 0 -ORDER: Polynomial Order integer number Minimum: 1 Default: 3 -RESAMPLING: Resampling choice Available Choices: [0] Nearest Neighbour [1] Bilinear Interpolation [2] Bicubic Spline Interpolation [3] B-Spline Interpolation Default: 3 -BYTEWISE: Bytewise Interpolation boolean Default: 0 -DATA_TYPE: Data Type data type Available Choices: [0] unsigned 1 byte integer [1] signed 1 byte integer [2] unsigned 2 byte integer [3] signed 2 byte integer [4] unsigned 4 byte integer [5] signed 4 byte integer [6] unsigned 8 byte integer [7] signed 8 byte integer [8] 4 byte floating point number [9] 8 byte floating point number [10] Preserve Default: 10 -CRS_STRING: Coordinate System Definition text -GRIDS: Grids grid list, input -TARGET_GRIDS: Target grid list, output, optional -TARGET_DEFINITION: Target Grid System choice Available Choices: [0] user defined [1] grid or grid system Default: 0 -TARGET_USER_SIZE: Cellsize floating point number Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 -TARGET_USER_XMIN: West floating point number Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_USER_XMAX: East floating point number Default: 100.000000 -TARGET_USER_YMIN: South floating point number Default: 0.000000 -TARGET_USER_YMAX: North floating point number Default: 100.000000 -TARGET_USER_COLS: Columns integer number Minimum: 1 Default: 101 -TARGET_USER_ROWS: Rows integer number Minimum: 1 Default: 101 -TARGET_USER_FLAT: Rounding boolean Default: 1 -TARGET_USER_FITS: Fit choice Available Choices: [0] nodes [1] cells Default: 0 -TARGET_TEMPLATE: Target System grid, input, optional