Coordinate Transformation (Shapes)
- Author: O. Conrad (c) 2010
- Menu: Projection
Coordinate transformation for shapes.
Projection routines make use of the PROJ generic coordinate transformation software.
PROJ Version is 9.4.1
PROJ Homepage
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Source | shapes, input | SOURCE | - | - |
Output | Target | shapes, output | TARGET | - | - |
Target | point cloud, output | TARGET_PC | - | - |
Options | Definition String | text | CRS_STRING | Supported formats comprise PROJ and WKT strings, object codes (e.g. "EPSG:4326"). | Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs |
Well Known Text File | file path | CRS_FILE | - | - |
Z Transformation | boolean | TRANSFORM_Z | Transform elevation (z) values, if appropriate. | Default: 1 |
Parallel Processing | boolean | PARALLEL | - | Default: 0 |
Copy | boolean | COPY | If set the projected data will be created as a copy of the original, if not vertices will be projected in place thus reducing memory requirements. | Default: 1 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 2 [-CRS_STRING ] [-CRS_FILE ] [-SOURCE ] [-TARGET ] [-TARGET_PC ] [-TRANSFORM_Z ] [-PARALLEL ] [-COPY ]
-CRS_STRING: Definition String
Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
-CRS_FILE: Well Known Text File
file path
-SOURCE: Source
shapes, input
-TARGET: Target
shapes, output
-TARGET_PC: Target
point cloud, output
-TRANSFORM_Z: Z Transformation
Default: 1
-PARALLEL: Parallel Processing
Default: 0
-COPY: Copy
Default: 1