SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Aggregate Point Observations


Aggregate Point Observations


InputReference Pointsshapes, inputREFERENCE--
Observationstable, inputOBSERVATIONS--
OutputAggregatedtable, outputAGGREGATED--
OptionsIDtable fieldREFERENCE_ID--
Xtable fieldX--
Ytable fieldY--
Tracktable fieldTRACK--
Datetable fieldDATE--
Timetable fieldTIMEexpected to be the second of day-
Parametertable fieldPARAMETER--
Time Span AggregationchoiceTIME_SPAN-Available Choices: [0] ignore [1] floating [2] fixed Default: 1
Fixed Time Span (minutes)floating point numberFIX_TIMEignored if set to zeroMinimum: 0.000000 Default: 20.000000
Fixed Time Span Offset (minutes)floating point numberOFF_TIMEoffset in minutes relative to 00:00 (midnight)Default: -10.000000
Maximum Time Span (Seconds)floating point numberEPS_TIMEignored if set to zeroMinimum: 0.000000 Default: 60.000000
Maximum Distancefloating point numberEPS_SPACEgiven as map units or meters if polar coordinates switch is on; ignored if set to zeroMinimum: 0.000000 Default: 100.000000
VerbosebooleanVERBOSE-Default: 0
Polar CoordinatesbooleanPOLAR-Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 17 [-REFERENCE ] [-REFERENCE_ID ] [-OBSERVATIONS ] [-X ] [-Y ] [-TRACK ] [-DATE ] [-TIME ] [-PARAMETER ] [-AGGREGATED ] [-TIME_SPAN ] [-FIX_TIME ] [-OFF_TIME ] [-EPS_TIME ] [-EPS_SPACE ] [-VERBOSE ] [-POLAR ]
  -REFERENCE:   	Reference Points
	shapes, input
	table field
  -OBSERVATIONS:	Observations
	table, input
  -X:           	X
	table field
  -Y:           	Y
	table field
  -TRACK:       	Track
	table field
  -DATE:        	Date
	table field
  -TIME:        	Time
	table field
  -PARAMETER:   	Parameter
	table field
  -AGGREGATED:  	Aggregated
	table, output
  -TIME_SPAN:   	Time Span Aggregation
	Available Choices:
	[0] ignore
	[1] floating
	[2] fixed
	Default: 1
  -FIX_TIME: 	Fixed Time Span (minutes)
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 20.000000
  -OFF_TIME: 	Fixed Time Span Offset (minutes)
	floating point number
	Default: -10.000000
  -EPS_TIME: 	Maximum Time Span (Seconds)
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 60.000000
  -EPS_SPACE:	Maximum Distance
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 100.000000
  -VERBOSE:     	Verbose
	Default: 0
  -POLAR:       	Polar Coordinates
	Default: 0