SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Add Point Attributes to Polygons


Spatial join for polygons. Retrieves for each polygon the selected attributes from that point, which is contained in the polygon. In case a polygon contains more than one point, the last point wins. Optionally, the tool allows one to attach the geometrical properties (x,y(z,m)) of each point as additional attributes.


InputPolygonsshapes, inputINPUTInput polygon shapefile-
Pointsshapes, inputPOINTSInput point shapefile-
OutputResultshapes, output, optionalOUTPUTOptional output polygon shapefile-
OptionsAttributestable fieldsFIELDSAttributes to add. Select none to add all-
Add Location InfobooleanADD_LOCATION_INFOAdd location information from points (x,y,(z,m))Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd shapes_polygons 20 [-INPUT ] [-POINTS ] [-FIELDS ] [-OUTPUT ] [-ADD_LOCATION_INFO ]
  -INPUT:            	Polygons
	shapes, input
  -POINTS:           	Points
	shapes, input
  -FIELDS:           	Attributes
	table fields
  -OUTPUT:           	Result
	shapes, output, optional
  -ADD_LOCATION_INFO:	Add Location Info
	Default: 0