Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2011
- Menu: Shapes | Tools
Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Polar Coordinates | shapes, input | POLAR | - | - |
Output | Cartesian Coordinates | shapes, output | CARTES | - | - |
Options | Exaggeration | table field | F_EXAGG | - | - |
Exaggeration Factor | floating point number | D_EXAGG | - | Default: 1.000000 |
Radius | floating point number | RADIUS | - | Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 6371000.000000 |
Degree | boolean | DEGREE | polar coordinates given in degree | Default: 1 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 21 [-POLAR ] [-F_EXAGG ] [-D_EXAGG ] [-CARTES ] [-RADIUS ] [-DEGREE ]
-POLAR: Polar Coordinates
shapes, input
-F_EXAGG: Exaggeration
table field
-D_EXAGG: Exaggeration Factor
floating point number
Default: 1.000000
-CARTES: Cartesian Coordinates
shapes, output
-RADIUS: Radius
floating point number
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 6371000.000000
-DEGREE: Degree
Default: 1