SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Add Statistics for Grids


This tool allows collecting successively cell-wise statistical information from grids by subsequent calls. The targeted data sets, particularly the histogram, should have been created with 'Build Statistics for Grids' tool. The collected information can be used consequently as input for the 'Evaluate Statistics for Grids' tool. These three tools (build, add, evaluate) have been designed to inspect a large number of grids that could otherwise not be evaluated simultaneously due to memory restrictions.


InputGridsgrid list, inputGRIDS--
Number of Valuesgrid, input, optionalCOUNT--
Sumgrid, input, optionalSUM--
Sum of Squaresgrid, input, optionalSUM2--
Minimumgrid, input, optionalMIN--
Maximumgrid, input, optionalMAX--
Histogramgrid collection, input, optionalHISTOGRAM--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 19 [-GRIDS ] [-COUNT ] [-SUM ] [-SUM2 ] [-MIN ] [-MAX ] [-HISTOGRAM ]
  -GRIDS:    	Grids
	grid list, input
  -COUNT:    	Number of Values
	grid, input, optional
  -SUM:      	Sum
	grid, input, optional
  -SUM2:     	Sum of Squares
	grid, input, optional
  -MIN:      	Minimum
	grid, input, optional
  -MAX:      	Maximum
	grid, input, optional
  -HISTOGRAM:	Histogram
	grid collection, input, optional