SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Cellwise Trend for Grids


Fits for each cell a polynomial trend function. Outputs are the polynomial coefficients for the polynomial trend function of chosen order.


InputDependent Variablesgrid list, inputY_GRIDS--
Independent Variable (per Grid and Cell)grid list, input, optionalX_GRIDS--
OutputPolynomial Coefficientsgrid list, outputCOEFF--
Regression Coefficientgrid, output, optionalR--
Determination Coefficientgrid, output, optionalR2--
Adjusted Determination Coefficientgrid, output, optionalR2ADJ--
Significance Levelgrid, output, optionalP--
Standard Errorgrid, output, optionalSTDERR--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Linear TrendbooleanLINEAR-Default: 1
Polynomial Orderinteger numberORDEROrder of the polynomial trend function.Minimum: 1 Default: 2
Get Independent Variable from ...choiceXSOURCE-Available Choices: [0] list order [1] table [2] grid list Default: 0
Independent Variable (per Grid)static tableX_TABLE-1 Fields: - 1. [8 byte floating point number] Value

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd statistics_regression 9 [-Y_GRIDS ] [-COEFF ] [-R ] [-R2 ] [-R2ADJ ] [-P ] [-STDERR ] [-LINEAR ] [-ORDER ] [-XSOURCE ] [-X_TABLE ] [-X_GRIDS ]
  -Y_GRIDS:	Dependent Variables
	grid list, input
  -COEFF:  	Polynomial Coefficients
	grid list, output
  -R:      	Regression Coefficient
	grid, output, optional
  -R2:     	Determination Coefficient
	grid, output, optional
  -R2ADJ:  	Adjusted Determination Coefficient
	grid, output, optional
  -P:      	Significance Level
	grid, output, optional
  -STDERR: 	Standard Error
	grid, output, optional
  -LINEAR: 	Linear Trend
	Default: 1
  -ORDER:  	Polynomial Order
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 2
  -XSOURCE:	Get Independent Variable from ...
	Available Choices:
	[0] list order
	[1] table
	[2] grid list
	Default: 0
  -X_TABLE:	Independent Variable (per Grid)
	static table
	1 Fields:
	- 1. [8 byte floating point number] Value
  -X_GRIDS:	Independent Variable (per Grid and Cell)
	grid list, input, optional