SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation



CliffMetrics (Automatic Cliff Metrics delineation) delineates the location of the coastline, coastline normals, and cliff top and toe location along these normals.



InputElevationgrid, inputDEM--
User Defined Coastline Pointsshapes, input, optionalCOAST_INITIALif non empty, cliffmetric will use the user defined coastal line to draw the transects-
OutputSediment Top Elevationgrid, outputSEDIMENT_TOP--
Coastlinegrid, output, optionalRASTER_COAST--
Normalsgrid, output, optionalRASTER_NORMAL--
Coastlineshapes, outputCOAST--
Coastline-Normal Profilesshapes, outputNORMALS--
Cliff Top Pointsshapes, outputCLIFF_TOP--
Cliff Toe Pointsshapes, outputCLIFF_TOE--
Coast Pointsshapes, outputCOAST_POINT--
Invalid Coastline-Normal Profilesshapes, output, optionalINVALID_NORMALS--
Coastline Curvatureshapes, output, optionalCOAST_CURVATURE--
Profile Datatable, outputPROFILES--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Sea handinesschoiceCoastSeaHandinessas you traverse the coastline, on which side of shoreline the sea is?Available Choices: [0] right [1] left Default: 0
Start edge coastlinechoiceStartEdgeUserCoastLineon which edge of the DTM the start of coastline is?Available Choices: [0] North [1] East [2] South [3] West Default: 0
End edge coastlinechoiceEndEdgeUserCoastLineon which edge of the DTM the end of coastline is?Available Choices: [0] North [1] East [2] South [3] West Default: 0
Still Water Levelfloating point numberStillWaterLevelStill water level (m) used to extract the shoreline.Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000
Coastline Smoothing AlgorithmchoiceCoastSmoothVector coastline smoothing algorithm.Available Choices: [0] none [1] running mean [2] Savitsky-Golay Default: 1
Coastline Smoothing Window Sizeinteger numberCoastSmoothWindowSize of coastline smoothing window, resulting kernel size will be: 1 + 2 * size.Minimum: 1 Default: 30
Polynomial Order for Savitsky-Golayinteger numberSavGolCoastPolyOrder of coastline profile smoothing polynomial for Savitsky-Golay smoothing: usually 2 or 4, max is 6.Minimum: 1 Maximum: 6 Default: 4
Scale Raster Output ValuesbooleanScaleRasterOutputIf needed, scale GIS raster output values.Default: 1
Random Edge for Coastline SearchbooleanRandomCoastEdgeSearchRandom edge for coastline search.Default: 1
Length of Coastline Normalsfloating point numberCoastNormalLengthLength of coastline normals (m).Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 500.000000
Vertical Tolerancefloating point numberEleToleranceVertical tolerance to avoid false cliff tops and toes.Minimum: 0.010000 Default: 0.500000
Main Output File Directoryfile pathOutPath--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd ta_cliffmetrics 0 [-DEM ] [-SEDIMENT_TOP ] [-RASTER_COAST ] [-RASTER_NORMAL ] [-COAST_INITIAL ] [-CoastSeaHandiness ] [-StartEdgeUserCoastLine ] [-EndEdgeUserCoastLine ] [-COAST ] [-NORMALS ] [-CLIFF_TOP ] [-CLIFF_TOE ] [-COAST_POINT ] [-INVALID_NORMALS ] [-COAST_CURVATURE ] [-PROFILES ] [-StillWaterLevel ] [-CoastSmooth ] [-CoastSmoothWindow ] [-SavGolCoastPoly ] [-ScaleRasterOutput ] [-RandomCoastEdgeSearch ] [-CoastNormalLength ] [-EleTolerance ] [-OutPath ]
  -DEM:                   	Elevation
	grid, input
  -SEDIMENT_TOP:          	Sediment Top Elevation
	grid, output
  -RASTER_COAST:          	Coastline
	grid, output, optional
  -RASTER_NORMAL:         	Normals
	grid, output, optional
  -COAST_INITIAL:         	User Defined Coastline Points
	shapes, input, optional
  -CoastSeaHandiness:     	Sea handiness
	Available Choices:
	[0] right
	[1] left
	Default: 0
  -StartEdgeUserCoastLine:	Start edge coastline
	Available Choices:
	[0] North
	[1] East
	[2] South
	[3] West
	Default: 0
  -EndEdgeUserCoastLine:  	End edge coastline
	Available Choices:
	[0] North
	[1] East
	[2] South
	[3] West
	Default: 0
  -COAST:                 	Coastline
	shapes, output
  -NORMALS:               	Coastline-Normal Profiles
	shapes, output
  -CLIFF_TOP:             	Cliff Top Points
	shapes, output
  -CLIFF_TOE:             	Cliff Toe Points
	shapes, output
  -COAST_POINT:           	Coast Points
	shapes, output
  -INVALID_NORMALS:       	Invalid Coastline-Normal Profiles
	shapes, output, optional
  -COAST_CURVATURE:       	Coastline Curvature
	shapes, output, optional
  -PROFILES:              	Profile Data
	table, output
  -StillWaterLevel:    	Still Water Level
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -CoastSmooth:           	Coastline Smoothing Algorithm
	Available Choices:
	[0] none
	[1] running mean
	[2] Savitsky-Golay
	Default: 1
  -CoastSmoothWindow:     	Coastline Smoothing Window Size
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 30
  -SavGolCoastPoly:       	Polynomial Order for Savitsky-Golay
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Maximum: 6
	Default: 4
  -ScaleRasterOutput:     	Scale Raster Output Values
	Default: 1
  -RandomCoastEdgeSearch: 	Random Edge for Coastline Search
	Default: 1
  -CoastNormalLength:  	Length of Coastline Normals
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.010000
	Default: 500.000000
  -EleTolerance:       	Vertical Tolerance
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.010000
	Default: 0.500000
  -OutPath:               	Main Output File Directory
	file path