SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Compound Channel Network Analysis


A one-step tool for the creation of selected terrain parameters related to channels.For details look at the description of the tools used for processing:


InputElevationgrid, inputELEVATION--
OutputChannel Networkshapes, outputCHANNELS--
Drainage Basinsshapes, outputBASINS--
Drainage Sub-Basinsshapes, outputSUBBASINS--
Channel Headsshapes, outputHEADS--
Channel Mouthsshapes, outputMOUTHS--
Overland Flow Distancegrid, outputFLOW_DISTANCE--
Horizontal Overland Flow Distancegrid, outputFLOW_DISTHORZ--
Vertical Overland Flow Distancegrid, outputFLOW_DISTVERT--
Channel Network Base Levelgrid, outputCHNL_BASE--
Channel Network Distancegrid, outputCHNL_DIST--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
PreprocessingchoiceMETHOD_PREPROC-Available Choices: [0] Sink Removal [1] Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu) [2] Breach Depressions [3] none Default: 0
Channel Densityinteger numberTHRESHOLDStrahler order to begin a channel.Minimum: 1 Default: 5

Command Line

  -ELEVATION:     	Elevation
	grid, input
  -CHANNELS:      	Channel Network
	shapes, output
  -BASINS:        	Drainage Basins
	shapes, output
  -SUBBASINS:     	Drainage Sub-Basins
	shapes, output
  -HEADS:         	Channel Heads
	shapes, output
  -MOUTHS:        	Channel Mouths
	shapes, output
  -FLOW_DISTANCE: 	Overland Flow Distance
	grid, output
  -FLOW_DISTHORZ: 	Horizontal Overland Flow Distance
	grid, output
  -FLOW_DISTVERT: 	Vertical Overland Flow Distance
	grid, output
  -CHNL_BASE:     	Channel Network Base Level
	grid, output
  -CHNL_DIST:     	Channel Network Distance
	grid, output
  -METHOD_PREPROC:	Preprocessing
	Available Choices:
	[0] Sink Removal
	[1] Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu)
	[2] Breach Depressions
	[3] none
	Default: 0
  -THRESHOLD:     	Channel Density
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 5