SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Stream Power Index


Calculation of stream power index based on slope and specific catchment area (SCA). SPI = SCA * tan(Slope)



InputSlopegrid, inputSLOPE--
Catchment Areagrid, inputAREA--
OutputStream Power Indexgrid, outputSPI--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Area ConversionchoiceCONV-Available Choices: [0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area) [1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area) Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd ta_hydrology 21 [-SLOPE ] [-AREA ] [-SPI ] [-CONV ]
  -SLOPE:	Slope
	grid, input
  -AREA: 	Catchment Area
	grid, input
  -SPI:  	Stream Power Index
	grid, output
  -CONV: 	Area Conversion
	Available Choices:
	[0] no conversion (areas already given as specific catchment area)
	[1] 1 / cell size (pseudo specific catchment area)
	Default: 0