SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Cluster Analysis (Table Fields)


K-Means cluster analysis using selected features from attributes table.



InputTabletable, inputINPUT--
OutputStatisticstable, outputSTATISTICS--
Resulttable, output, optionalRESULT_TABLE--
Resultshapes, output, optionalRESULT_SHAPES--
OptionsFeaturestable fieldsFIELDS--
NormalizebooleanNORMALISE-Default: 0
Clustertable fieldCLUSTERTarget field for cluster numbers. If not set a new field will be added-
MethodchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices: [0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965) [1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967) [2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing Default: 1
Number of Clustersinteger numberNCLUSTER-Minimum: 2 Default: 10

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 28 [-INPUT ] [-FIELDS ] [-NORMALISE ] [-CLUSTER ] [-STATISTICS ] [-METHOD ] [-NCLUSTER ] [-RESULT_TABLE ] [-RESULT_SHAPES ]
  -INPUT:        	Table
	table, input
  -FIELDS:       	Features
	table fields
  -NORMALISE:    	Normalize
	Default: 0
  -CLUSTER:      	Cluster
	table field
  -STATISTICS:   	Statistics
	table, output
  -METHOD:       	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965)
	[1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967)
	[2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing
	Default: 1
  -NCLUSTER:     	Number of Clusters
	integer number
	Minimum: 2
	Default: 10
  -RESULT_TABLE: 	Result
	table, output, optional
	shapes, output, optional