SAGA 9.7.1 | Tool Library Documentation

Gridding of Points


This tool chain simply demonstrates how to create an output grid without having to choose a target grid system before execution by setting the output parameter's "target" attribute to "none".


InputPointsshapes, inputPOINTS--
OutputInterpolationdata object Grid, output, optionalINTERPOLATION--
OptionsAttributetable fieldATTRIBUTEattribute to become interpolated-
Cell Sizefloating point numberCELL_SIZEcell size of target gridDefault: 10.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd toolchains gridding [-POINTS ] [-ATTRIBUTE ] [-CELL_SIZE ] [-INTERPOLATION ]
  -POINTS:       	Points
	shapes, input
  -ATTRIBUTE:    	Attribute
	table field
  -CELL_SIZE: 	Cell Size
	floating point number
	Default: 10.000000
  -INTERPOLATION:	Interpolation
	data object Grid, output, optional