![]() |
#include <grid.h>
Public Member Functions | |
CSG_Grid (void) | |
CSG_Grid (const CSG_Grid &Grid) | |
bool | Create (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
CSG_Grid (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) | |
bool | Create (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) |
CSG_Grid (const char *File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) | |
bool | Create (const char *File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) |
CSG_Grid (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) | |
bool | Create (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false, bool bLoadData=true) |
CSG_Grid (CSG_Grid *pGrid, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false) | |
bool | Create (CSG_Grid *pGrid, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false) |
CSG_Grid (const CSG_Grid_System &System, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false) | |
bool | Create (const CSG_Grid_System &System, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCached=false) |
CSG_Grid (TSG_Data_Type Type, int NX, int NY, double Cellsize=1.0, double xMin=0.0, double yMin=0.0, bool bCached=false) | |
bool | Create (TSG_Data_Type Type, int NX, int NY, double Cellsize=1.0, double xMin=0.0, double yMin=0.0, bool bCached=false) |
virtual | ~CSG_Grid (void) |
virtual bool | Destroy (void) |
virtual bool | Save (const char *File, int Format=0) |
virtual bool | Save (const wchar_t *File, int Format=0) |
virtual bool | Save (const CSG_String &File, int Format=0) |
virtual TSG_Data_Object_Type | Get_ObjectType (void) const |
TSG_Data_Type | Get_Type (void) const |
int | Get_nValueBytes (void) const |
int | Get_nLineBytes (void) const |
void | Set_Unit (const CSG_String &Unit) |
const CSG_String & | Get_Unit (void) const |
const CSG_Grid_System & | Get_System (void) const |
virtual const CSG_Rect & | Get_Extent (void) |
int | Get_NX (void) const |
int | Get_NY (void) const |
sLong | Get_NCells (void) const |
double | Get_Cellsize (void) const |
double | Get_Cellarea (void) const |
const CSG_Rect & | Get_Extent (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_XMin (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_XMax (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_XRange (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_YMin (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_YMax (bool bCells=false) const |
double | Get_YRange (bool bCells=false) const |
void | Set_Scaling (double Scale=1.0, double Offset=0.0) |
double | Get_Scaling (void) const |
double | Get_Offset (void) const |
bool | is_Scaled (void) const |
double | Get_Mean (void) |
double | Get_Min (void) |
double | Get_Max (void) |
double | Get_Range (void) |
double | Get_StdDev (void) |
double | Get_Variance (void) |
double | Get_Quantile (double Quantile, bool bFromHistogram=true) |
double | Get_Percentile (double Percentile, bool bFromHistogram=true) |
const CSG_Simple_Statistics & | Get_Statistics (void) |
bool | Get_Statistics (const CSG_Rect &rWorld, CSG_Simple_Statistics &Statistics, bool bHoldValues=false) const |
const CSG_Histogram & | Get_Histogram (size_t nClasses=0) |
bool | Get_Histogram (const CSG_Rect &rWorld, CSG_Histogram &Histogram, size_t nClasses=0) const |
sLong | Get_Data_Count (void) |
sLong | Get_NoData_Count (void) |
virtual bool | is_Valid (void) const |
TSG_Intersection | is_Intersecting (const CSG_Rect &Extent) const |
TSG_Intersection | is_Intersecting (const TSG_Rect &Extent) const |
TSG_Intersection | is_Intersecting (double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax) const |
bool | is_Compatible (CSG_Grid *pGrid) const |
bool | is_Compatible (const CSG_Grid_System &System) const |
bool | is_Compatible (int NX, int NY, double Cellsize, double xMin, double yMin) const |
bool | is_InGrid (int x, int y, bool bCheckNoData=true) const |
bool | is_InGrid_byPos (double x, double y, bool bCheckNoData=true) const |
bool | is_InGrid_byPos (const TSG_Point &p, bool bCheckNoData=true) const |
sLong | Get_Memory_Size (void) const |
double | Get_Memory_Size_MB (void) const |
bool | Set_Cache (bool bOn) |
bool | is_Cached (void) const |
void | Assign_NoData (void) |
virtual bool | Assign (double Value=0.0) |
virtual bool | Assign (CSG_Data_Object *pObject) |
virtual bool | Assign (CSG_Grid *pGrid, TSG_Grid_Resampling Interpolation) |
void | Flip (void) |
void | Mirror (void) |
void | Invert (void) |
bool | Normalise (void) |
bool | DeNormalise (double Minimum, double Maximum) |
bool | Standardise (void) |
bool | DeStandardise (double Mean, double StdDev) |
int | Get_Gradient_NeighborDir (int x, int y, bool bDown=true, bool bNoEdges=true) const |
bool | Get_Gradient (int x, int y, double &Slope, double &Aspect) const |
bool | Get_Gradient (double x, double y, double &Slope, double &Aspect, TSG_Grid_Resampling Interpolation) const |
bool | Get_Gradient (const TSG_Point &p, double &Slope, double &Aspect, TSG_Grid_Resampling Interpolation) const |
virtual void | Set_Modified (bool bModified=true) |
bool | Set_Index (bool bOn=true) |
sLong | Get_Sorted (sLong Position, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true) |
bool | Get_Sorted (sLong Position, sLong &i, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true) |
bool | Get_Sorted (sLong Position, int &x, int &y, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true) |
virtual bool | is_NoData (int x, int y) const |
virtual bool | is_NoData (sLong i) const |
virtual void | Set_NoData (int x, int y) |
virtual void | Set_NoData (sLong i) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator= (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator= (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator+ (const CSG_Grid &Grid) const |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator+ (double Value) const |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator+= (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator+= (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Add (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Add (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator- (const CSG_Grid &Grid) const |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator- (double Value) const |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator-= (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator-= (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Subtract (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Subtract (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator* (const CSG_Grid &Grid) const |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator* (double Value) const |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator*= (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator*= (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Multiply (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Multiply (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator/ (const CSG_Grid &Grid) const |
virtual CSG_Grid | operator/ (double Value) const |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator/= (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | operator/= (double Value) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Divide (const CSG_Grid &Grid) |
virtual CSG_Grid & | Divide (double Value) |
virtual double | operator() (int x, int y) const |
double | Get_Value (double x, double y, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, bool bByteWise=false) const |
double | Get_Value (const TSG_Point &p, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, bool bByteWise=false) const |
bool | Get_Value (double x, double y, double &Value, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, bool bNoData=false, bool bByteWise=false) const |
bool | Get_Value (const TSG_Point &p, double &Value, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, bool bNoData=false, bool bByteWise=false) const |
virtual BYTE | asByte (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual BYTE | asByte (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual char | asChar (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual char | asChar (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual short | asShort (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual short | asShort (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual int | asInt (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual int | asInt (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual sLong | asLong (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual sLong | asLong (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual float | asFloat (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual float | asFloat (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual double | asDouble (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual double | asDouble (int x, int y, bool bScaled=true) const |
virtual void | Add_Value (int x, int y, double Value) |
virtual void | Add_Value (sLong i, double Value) |
virtual void | Mul_Value (int x, int y, double Value) |
virtual void | Mul_Value (sLong i, double Value) |
virtual void | Set_Value (sLong i, double Value, bool bScaled=true) |
virtual void | Set_Value (int x, int y, double Value, bool bScaled=true) |
CSG_Vector | Get_Row (int y) const |
bool | Set_Row (int y, const CSG_Vector &Values) |
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CSG_Data_Object (void) | |
virtual | ~CSG_Data_Object (void) |
int | Get_RefID (void) const |
Returns the object's reference id (unique). More... | |
int | Get_Managed (void) const |
bool | Reload (void) |
If there is an associated file data can be reloaded with this command. More... | |
bool | Delete (void) |
Deletes all files associated with this data object if possible. Works only with native SAGA files. Returns true on success. More... | |
void | Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName) |
const SG_Char * | Get_File_Name (bool bNative=true) const |
int | Get_File_Type (void) const |
bool | is_File_Native (void) const |
void | Set_Name (const CSG_String &Name) |
void | Set_Name (const char *Name) |
void | Set_Name (const wchar_t *Name) |
void | Fmt_Name (const char *Format,...) |
void | Fmt_Name (const wchar_t *Format,...) |
const SG_Char * | Get_Name (void) const |
void | Set_Description (const CSG_String &Description) |
const SG_Char * | Get_Description (void) const |
virtual bool | is_Modified (void) const |
bool | Update (bool bForce=false) |
CSG_Data_Object * | Get_Owner (void) const |
void | Set_Owner (CSG_Data_Object *pOwner) |
CSG_MetaData & | Get_MetaData (void) const |
CSG_MetaData & | Get_MetaData_DB (void) const |
CSG_MetaData & | Get_History (void) |
const CSG_MetaData & | Get_History (void) const |
CSG_Projection & | Get_Projection (void) |
const CSG_Projection & | Get_Projection (void) const |
class CSG_Table * | asTable (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
class CSG_Shapes * | asShapes (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
class CSG_TIN * | asTIN (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
class CSG_PointCloud * | asPointCloud (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
class CSG_Grid * | asGrid (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
class CSG_Grids * | asGrids (bool bPolymorph=false) const |
virtual bool | Set_NoData_Value (double Value) |
virtual bool | Set_NoData_Value_Range (double Lower, double Upper) |
double | Get_NoData_Value (bool bUpper=false) const |
bool | is_NoData_Value (double Value) const |
bool | Save_History_to_Model (const CSG_String &File) const |
virtual bool | Set_Max_Samples (sLong Max_Samples) |
sLong | Get_Max_Samples (void) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual bool | On_Update (void) |
virtual bool | On_Reload (void) |
virtual bool | On_Delete (void) |
![]() | |
void | Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName, bool bNative) |
void | Set_File_Type (int Type) |
bool | Load_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName) |
bool | Load_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream) |
bool | Save_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName) |
bool | Save_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream) |
void | Set_Update_Flag (bool bOn=true) |
bool | Get_Update_Flag (void) |
virtual bool | On_NoData_Changed (void) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | Track (bool Track=true, bool Offset=false) |
Activate/deactivate lifetime tracking (data object construction/destruction). Needs compiler flag WITH_LIFETIME_TRACKER being defined. More... | |
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CSG_Data_Object * | m_pOwner |
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | void | ) |
Default constructor.
Definition at line 136 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction().
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | const CSG_Grid & | Grid | ) |
Copy constructor.
Definition at line 147 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), and Create().
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | const CSG_String & | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
Definition at line 160 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), and Create().
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | const char * | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | const wchar_t * | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | CSG_Grid * | pGrid, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
Create a grid similar to 'pGrid'.
Definition at line 171 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), and Create().
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | const CSG_Grid_System & | System, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
Create a grid using 'System'.
Definition at line 182 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), and Create().
CSG_Grid::CSG_Grid | ( | TSG_Data_Type | Type, |
int | NX, | ||
int | NY, | ||
double | Cellsize = 1.0 , |
double | xMin = 0.0 , |
double | yMin = 0.0 , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
Create a grid with specified parameters. This constructor initializes the grid's data space with 'NX' x 'NY' cells of the size indicated by 'Type'. If 'DX/DY' are equal or less zero then both will be set to 1.. 'xMin/yMin' specify the coordinates of the lower left corner of the grid.
Definition at line 196 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), and Create().
virtual |
Definition at line 503 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Add().
virtual |
Definition at line 508 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 753 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_BYTE.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 754 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_BYTE.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 755 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_CHAR.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 756 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_CHAR.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 772 of file grid.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 767 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Natural_Breaks::Create(), Create(), CSG_Histogram::Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Flip(), Get_Gradient(), Get_Gradient_NeighborDir(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Quantile(), Get_Row(), Get_Statistics(), Invert(), Mirror(), Normalise(), On_Update(), CSG_Grid_Cell_Addressor::Set_Parameters(), Standardise(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 759 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_INT.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_Cell_Addressor::Enable_Parameters().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 760 of file grid.h.
References SG_ROUND_TO_INT.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 761 of file grid.h.
Definition at line 762 of file grid.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 757 of file grid.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 758 of file grid.h.
virtual |
Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 122 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References Assign(), Get_ObjectType(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_ObjectType(), GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined, and CSG_Data_Object::is_Valid().
virtual |
Definition at line 128 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Cellsize(), Get_Extent(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_History(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Projection(), Get_Unit(), Get_XMin(), Get_YMin(), GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline, GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear, GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, GRID_RESAMPLING_Majority, GRID_RESAMPLING_Maximum, GRID_RESAMPLING_Mean_Cells, GRID_RESAMPLING_Mean_Nodes, GRID_RESAMPLING_Minimum, GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour, INTERSECTION_None, is_Intersecting(), is_NoData(), CSG_Projection::is_Okay(), is_Valid(), Set_NoData(), Set_Unit(), Set_Value(), SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(), and SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready().
virtual |
Definition at line 77 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References CSG_MetaData::Destroy(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_History(), Get_nLineBytes(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Invalidate(), is_Cached(), is_Valid(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Update_Flag(), and Set_Value().
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Grids::Assign(), CSG_Tool_Grid::Lock_Create(), and operator=().
void CSG_Grid::Assign_NoData | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 65 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), and Set_Value().
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Assign_NoData().
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | const char * | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | const CSG_Grid & | Grid | ) |
Definition at line 235 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Projection::Create(), CSG_MetaData::Create(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Description(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_MetaData(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Name(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Offset(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Projection(), Get_Scaling(), Get_System(), Get_Type(), Get_Unit(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Description(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Name(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_NoData_Value_Range(), Set_Scaling(), Set_Unit(), and Set_Value().
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Create(), Create(), CSG_Grid(), CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::from_WKBinary(), CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target::Get_Grid(), On_Reload(), SG_Create_Grid(), and SG_Grid_Get_Geographic_Coordinates().
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | const CSG_Grid_System & | System, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
Definition at line 275 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Grid_System::Create(), Destroy(), Get_NCells(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_NX(), Get_NX(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_NY(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_XMin(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_YMin(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Invalidate(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Max_Samples(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_NoData_Value(), SG_Data_Type_Get_Size(), SG_DataObject_Get_Max_Samples(), SG_DATATYPE_Bit, SG_DATATYPE_Byte, SG_DATATYPE_Char, SG_DATATYPE_Color, SG_DATATYPE_Double, SG_DATATYPE_DWord, SG_DATATYPE_Float, SG_DATATYPE_Int, SG_DATATYPE_Long, SG_DATATYPE_Short, SG_DATATYPE_ULong, and SG_DATATYPE_Word.
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | const CSG_String & | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
Definition at line 319 of file grid.cpp.
References _TL, CSG_String::c_str(), Destroy(), CSG_String::Format(), Get_NCells(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Max_Samples(), Set_Modified(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_Update_Flag(), SG_DataObject_Get_Max_Samples(), SG_UI_Msg_Add(), SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS, and SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready().
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | const wchar_t * | File, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false , |
bool | bLoadData = true |
) |
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | CSG_Grid * | pGrid, |
TSG_Data_Type | Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
Definition at line 260 of file grid.cpp.
References Create(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Projection(), Get_System(), Get_Type(), CSG_Data_Object::Set_NoData_Value_Range(), and SG_DATATYPE_Undefined.
bool CSG_Grid::Create | ( | TSG_Data_Type | Type, |
int | NX, | ||
int | NY, | ||
double | Cellsize = 1.0 , |
double | xMin = 0.0 , |
double | yMin = 0.0 , |
bool | bCached = false |
) |
bool CSG_Grid::DeNormalise | ( | double | Minimum, |
double | Maximum | ||
) |
Definition at line 825 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), is_NoData(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
bool CSG_Grid::DeStandardise | ( | double | Mean, |
double | StdDev | ||
) |
Definition at line 874 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), is_NoData(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
virtual |
Destroys the data space of CSG_Grid.
Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 379 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_String::Clear(), CSG_Data_Object::Destroy(), CSG_Grid_System::Destroy(), and SG_DATATYPE_Undefined.
Referenced by Create(), CSG_Grids::Destroy(), and ~CSG_Grid().
Definition at line 608 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Divide().
virtual |
Definition at line 613 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
void CSG_Grid::Flip | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 756 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
inline |
Definition at line 541 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), Get_Gradient(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), Get_Value(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
sLong CSG_Grid::Get_Data_Count | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1042 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Get_Quantile().
inline |
inlinevirtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 535 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), and is_Intersecting().
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Gradient | ( | const TSG_Point & | p, |
double & | Incline, | ||
double & | Azimuth, | ||
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Interpolation | ||
) | const |
Calculates the gradient for the given world coordinate. Calculation uses the formulas proposed by Zevenbergen & Thorne (1986). Slope and aspect values are calculated in radians. Aspect is zero for the North direction and increases clockwise.
Definition at line 1056 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References Get_Gradient(), SSG_Point::x, and SSG_Point::y.
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Gradient | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double & | Slope, | ||
double & | Aspect, | ||
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Interpolation | ||
) | const |
Calculates the gradient for the given world coordinate. Calculation uses the formulas proposed by Zevenbergen & Thorne (1986). Slope and aspect values are calculated in radians. Aspect is zero for the North direction and increases clockwise.
Definition at line 1007 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References Get_Cellsize(), Get_Value(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xFrom(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xTo(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yFrom(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yTo(), M_PI_090, M_PI_180, and M_PI_270.
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Gradient | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
double & | Slope, | ||
double & | Aspect | ||
) | const |
Calculates the gradient of a cell interpreting all grid cell values as elevation surface. Calculation uses the formulas proposed by Zevenbergen & Thorne (1986). Slope and aspect values are calculated in radians. Aspect is zero for the North direction and increases clockwise.
Definition at line 958 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Cellsize(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xFrom(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xTo(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yFrom(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yTo(), is_InGrid(), M_PI_090, M_PI_180, and M_PI_270.
Referenced by Get_Gradient().
int CSG_Grid::Get_Gradient_NeighborDir | ( | int | x, |
int | y, | ||
bool | bDown = true , |
bool | bNoEdges = true |
) | const |
Returns the direction to which the downward gradient is steepest. This implements the Deterministic 8 (D8) algorithm for identifying a single flow direction based on elevation data. Direction is numbered clock-wise beginning with 0 for the North. If no direction can be identified result will be a -1. If 'bDown' is not true the cell that the direction is pointing to might have a higher value than the center cell. If 'bNoEdges' is true a -1 will be returned for all cells that are at the edge of the data area.
Definition at line 916 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_Length(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xTo(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yTo(), and is_InGrid().
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Histogram | ( | const CSG_Rect & | rWorld, |
CSG_Histogram & | Histogram, | ||
size_t | nClasses = 0 |
) | const |
Definition at line 1187 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Histogram::Create(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Max_Samples(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Maximum(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Minimum(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Offset(), Get_Scaling(), Get_Statistics(), Get_System(), CSG_Rect::Get_XMax(), CSG_Rect::Get_XMin(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xWorld_to_Grid(), CSG_Rect::Get_YMax(), CSG_Rect::Get_YMin(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yWorld_to_Grid(), CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value(), is_Scaled(), SG_GRID_HISTOGRAM_CLASSES_DEFAULT, and CSG_Histogram::Update().
const CSG_Histogram & CSG_Grid::Get_Histogram | ( | size_t | nClasses = 0 | ) |
Returns the histogram for the whole data set. It is automatically updated if necessary.
Definition at line 1169 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Histogram::Create(), CSG_Histogram::Destroy(), CSG_Histogram::Get_Class_Count(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), Get_Max(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Max_Samples(), Get_Min(), CSG_Histogram::Get_Statistics(), SG_GRID_HISTOGRAM_CLASSES_DEFAULT, and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Get_Quantile().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Max | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1021 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Maximum(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Quantile(), and Invert().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Mean | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1011 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Mean(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Standardise().
inline |
Definition at line 604 of file grid.h.
double CSG_Grid::Get_Min | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1016 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Minimum(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Quantile(), Invert(), and Normalise().
inline |
Definition at line 539 of file grid.h.
Referenced by CSG_Natural_Breaks::Create(), Create(), CSG_Histogram::Create(), Get_NoData_Count(), and On_Update().
inline |
sLong CSG_Grid::Get_NoData_Count | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1047 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), Get_NCells(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
inline |
Definition at line 537 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), Assign_NoData(), CSG_Grid_Pyramid::Create(), Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Flip(), CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::from_WKBinary(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Row(), Get_Statistics(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), Invert(), Mirror(), Normalise(), On_Update(), Set_Row(), Standardise(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inline |
Definition at line 538 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), Assign_NoData(), CSG_Grid_Pyramid::Create(), Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Flip(), CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::from_WKBinary(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Row(), Get_Statistics(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), Invert(), Mirror(), Normalise(), On_Update(), Set_Row(), Standardise(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inlinevirtual |
Data object type information.
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 516 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Offset | ( | void | ) | const |
Definition at line 428 of file grid.cpp.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(), Create(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Percentile | ( | double | Percentile, |
bool | bFromHistogram = true |
) |
Definition at line 1076 of file grid.cpp.
References Get_Quantile().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Quantile | ( | double | Quantile, |
bool | bFromHistogram = true |
) |
Definition at line 1053 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Data_Count(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Max(), Get_Min(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), and Get_Sorted().
Referenced by Get_Percentile().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Range | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1026 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Range(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Invert(), and Normalise().
CSG_Vector CSG_Grid::Get_Row | ( | int | y | ) | const |
Definition at line 491 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Vector::Create(), Get_NX(), and Get_NY().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Scaling | ( | void | ) | const |
Definition at line 422 of file grid.cpp.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(), Create(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().
Definition at line 664 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Get_Quantile().
inline |
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Statistics | ( | const CSG_Rect & | rWorld, |
CSG_Simple_Statistics & | Statistics, | ||
bool | bHoldValues = false |
) | const |
Calculate statistics for the region specified with rWorld. Returns false, if there is no overlapping. Set bHoldValues to true, if you need to obtain quantiles.
Definition at line 1105 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Create(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Max_Samples(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Offset(), Get_Scaling(), Get_System(), CSG_Rect::Get_XMax(), CSG_Rect::Get_XMin(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_xWorld_to_Grid(), CSG_Rect::Get_YMax(), CSG_Rect::Get_YMin(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_yWorld_to_Grid(), CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value(), and is_Scaled().
const CSG_Simple_Statistics & CSG_Grid::Get_Statistics | ( | void | ) |
Returns the statistics for the whole data set. It is automatically updated if necessary. Statistics give no access to parameters like quantiles that need values to be kept internally. Use Get_Quantile() function instead.
Definition at line 1093 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Get_Histogram().
double CSG_Grid::Get_StdDev | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1031 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_StdDev(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
Referenced by Standardise().
inline |
Definition at line 533 of file grid.h.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(), Create(), CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target::Get_Grid(), Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), is_Compatible(), CSG_Grids::is_Compatible(), CSG_Tool_Grid::Lock_Create(), and SG_Grid_Get_Geographic_Coordinates().
inline |
Definition at line 521 of file grid.h.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(), Create(), CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::from_WKBinary(), CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target::Get_Grid(), CSG_Grids::is_Compatible(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inline |
Definition at line 527 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Grid_File_Info::Create(), and Create().
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Value | ( | const TSG_Point & | p, |
double & | Value, | ||
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline , |
bool | bNoData = false , |
bool | bByteWise = false |
) | const |
Definition at line 546 of file grid.cpp.
References Get_Value(), SSG_Point::x, and SSG_Point::y.
double CSG_Grid::Get_Value | ( | const TSG_Point & | p, |
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline , |
bool | bByteWise = false |
) | const |
Definition at line 532 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), Get_Value(), SSG_Point::x, and SSG_Point::y.
bool CSG_Grid::Get_Value | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
double & | Value, | ||
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline , |
bool | bNoData = false , |
bool | bByteWise = false |
) | const |
Definition at line 552 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Rect::Contains(), Get_Cellsize(), CSG_Grid_System::Get_Extent(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value(), Get_XMin(), Get_YMin(), GRID_RESAMPLING_BicubicSpline, GRID_RESAMPLING_Bilinear, GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, GRID_RESAMPLING_NearestNeighbour, and is_InGrid().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Value | ( | double | x, |
double | y, | ||
TSG_Grid_Resampling | Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline , |
bool | bByteWise = false |
) | const |
Definition at line 539 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().
Referenced by Get_Gradient(), and Get_Value().
double CSG_Grid::Get_Variance | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1036 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Variance(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 546 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), Get_Value(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inline |
inline |
Definition at line 551 of file grid.h.
Referenced by CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inline |
Definition at line 550 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), and Get_Value().
inline |
void CSG_Grid::Invert | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 734 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Max(), Get_Min(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Range(), is_NoData(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
inline |
Definition at line 607 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), is_Valid(), and Set_Cache().
bool CSG_Grid::is_Compatible | ( | const CSG_Grid_System & | System | ) | const |
bool CSG_Grid::is_Compatible | ( | CSG_Grid * | pGrid | ) | const |
bool CSG_Grid::is_Compatible | ( | int | NX, |
int | NY, | ||
double | Cellsize, | ||
double | xMin, | ||
double | yMin | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 478 of file grid.cpp.
References is_Compatible().
inline |
Definition at line 595 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Get_Gradient(), Get_Gradient_NeighborDir(), and Get_Value().
inline |
Definition at line 597 of file grid.h.
References is_InGrid_byPos(), SSG_Point::x, and SSG_Point::y.
Referenced by is_InGrid_byPos().
inline |
Definition at line 596 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_Extent().
TSG_Intersection CSG_Grid::is_Intersecting | ( | const CSG_Rect & | Extent | ) | const |
Definition at line 452 of file grid.cpp.
References Get_Extent().
Referenced by Assign(), and is_Intersecting().
TSG_Intersection CSG_Grid::is_Intersecting | ( | const TSG_Rect & | Extent | ) | const |
Definition at line 457 of file grid.cpp.
References Get_Extent().
TSG_Intersection CSG_Grid::is_Intersecting | ( | double | xMin, |
double | yMin, | ||
double | xMax, | ||
double | yMax | ||
) | const |
Definition at line 462 of file grid.cpp.
References is_Intersecting().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 701 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value().
Referenced by Assign(), CSG_Natural_Breaks::Create(), CSG_Histogram::Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Invert(), Normalise(), Standardise(), and CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::to_WKBinary().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 702 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value().
inline |
Definition at line 561 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().
virtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 441 of file grid.cpp.
References is_Cached(), CSG_Grid_System::is_Valid(), and SG_DATATYPE_Undefined.
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Add_Grid(), Assign(), CSG_Grid_Pyramid::Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Flip(), Invert(), Mirror(), Normalise(), On_Update(), SG_Create_Grid(), SG_Grid_Get_Geographic_Coordinates(), and Standardise().
void CSG_Grid::Mirror | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 774 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 573 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Multiply().
virtual |
Definition at line 578 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
bool CSG_Grid::Normalise | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 799 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Min(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Range(), is_NoData(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
protectedvirtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 80 of file grid_io.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_File_Name(), SG_File_Delete(), and SG_File_Set_Extension().
protectedvirtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 74 of file grid_io.cpp.
References Create(), and CSG_Data_Object::Get_File_Name().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 957 of file grid.cpp.
References asDouble(), CSG_Histogram::Destroy(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), CSG_Data_Object::Get_Max_Samples(), Get_NCells(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_Offset(), Get_Scaling(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Invalidate(), CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value(), is_Scaled(), is_Valid(), CSG_Simple_Statistics::Set_Count(), SG_FREE_SAFE, SG_UI_Process_Set_Progress(), and SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 549 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
virtual |
Definition at line 556 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
Definition at line 563 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
virtual |
Definition at line 568 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Multiplication.
Definition at line 479 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
virtual |
Definition at line 486 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
Definition at line 493 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
virtual |
Definition at line 498 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Addition.
Definition at line 514 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.
virtual |
Definition at line 521 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.
Definition at line 528 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.
virtual |
Definition at line 533 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.
Definition at line 584 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
virtual |
Definition at line 591 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
Definition at line 598 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
virtual |
Definition at line 603 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Division.
Definition at line 464 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References Assign(), and GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined.
virtual |
Definition at line 471 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References Assign().
inlinevirtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 509 of file grid.h.
References Save().
Referenced by Save().
virtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 147 of file grid_io.cpp.
References _TL, CSG_String::c_str(), CSG_String::Format(), GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary, GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Binary_old, GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Compressed, GRID_FILE_FORMAT_GeoTIFF, GRID_FILE_FORMAT_Undefined, gSG_Grid_File_Format_Default, CSG_Data_Object::Set_File_Name(), Set_Modified(), SG_File_Cmp_Extension(), SG_RUN_TOOL, SG_T, SG_TOOL_PARAMETER_SET, SG_TOOL_PARAMLIST_ADD, SG_UI_Msg_Add(), SG_UI_Msg_Lock(), SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_FAILURE, SG_UI_MSG_STYLE_SUCCESS, and SG_UI_Process_Set_Ready().
inlinevirtual |
Implements CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 510 of file grid.h.
References Save().
Referenced by Save().
bool CSG_Grid::Set_Cache | ( | bool | bOn | ) |
Definition at line 257 of file grid_memory.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_File_Name(), is_Cached(), and SG_File_Make_Path().
inline |
Definition at line 652 of file grid.h.
References SG_FREE_SAFE.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.
Definition at line 638 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::Set_Modified(), and CSG_Data_Object::Set_Update_Flag().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 704 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().
Referenced by Assign().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 705 of file grid.h.
References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().
bool CSG_Grid::Set_Row | ( | int | y, |
const CSG_Vector & | Values | ||
) |
Definition at line 509 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Vector::Get_N(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), and Set_Value().
void CSG_Grid::Set_Scaling | ( | double | Scale = 1.0 , |
double | Offset = 0.0 |
) |
Definition at line 406 of file grid.cpp.
References CSG_Data_Object::Set_Update_Flag().
Referenced by Create(), and CSG_Grids::Set_Scaling().
void CSG_Grid::Set_Unit | ( | const CSG_String & | Unit | ) |
Definition at line 400 of file grid.cpp.
Referenced by Assign(), Create(), and CSG_Grids::Set_Unit().
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 822 of file grid.h.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 817 of file grid.h.
Referenced by Assign(), Assign_NoData(), Create(), DeNormalise(), DeStandardise(), Flip(), CSG_Grid_OGIS_Converter::from_WKBinary(), Invert(), Mirror(), Normalise(), Set_Row(), and Standardise().
bool CSG_Grid::Standardise | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 848 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References asDouble(), Get_Mean(), Get_NX(), Get_NY(), Get_StdDev(), is_NoData(), is_Valid(), and Set_Value().
Definition at line 538 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.
Referenced by CSG_Grids::Subtract().
virtual |
Definition at line 543 of file grid_operation.cpp.
References GRID_OPERATION_Subtraction.