SAGA API  v9.5
CSG_TIN Class Reference

#include <tin.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSG_TIN:
CSG_Table CSG_Data_Object


struct  TTIN_Edge
struct  TTIN_Triangle

Public Member Functions

 CSG_TIN (void)
bool Create (const CSG_TIN &TIN)
 CSG_TIN (CSG_Shapes *pShapes)
bool Create (CSG_Shapes *pShapes)
 CSG_TIN (const CSG_String &File)
bool Create (const CSG_String &File)
 CSG_TIN (const char *File)
bool Create (const char *File)
 CSG_TIN (const wchar_t *File)
bool Create (const wchar_t *File)
virtual ~CSG_TIN (void)
virtual bool Destroy (void)
virtual TSG_Data_Object_Type Get_ObjectType (void) const
 Returns the object type as defined by TSG_Data_Object_Type. Used for run time type checking. More...
virtual bool Save (const CSG_String &File, int Format=0)
virtual bool Save (const char *File, int Format=0)
virtual bool Save (const wchar_t *File, int Format=0)
virtual bool Assign (CSG_Data_Object *pObject)
virtual bool is_Valid (void) const
const CSG_RectGet_Extent (void)
bool Triangulate (bool bOn=true, bool bUpdate=false)
CSG_TIN_NodeAdd_Node (const TSG_Point &Point, CSG_Table_Record *pRecord=NULL, bool bUpdateNow=false)
bool Del_Node (sLong Index, bool bUpdateNow)
sLong Get_Node_Count (void) const
CSG_TIN_NodeGet_Node (sLong Index) const
sLong Get_Edge_Count (void) const
CSG_TIN_EdgeGet_Edge (sLong Index) const
sLong Get_Triangle_Count (void) const
CSG_TIN_TriangleGet_Triangle (sLong Index) const
CSG_TIN_TriangleAdd_Triangle (CSG_TIN_Node *p0, CSG_TIN_Node *p1, CSG_TIN_Node *p2)
CSG_TIN_TriangleAdd_Triangle (CSG_TIN_Node *p[3])
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSG_Table
 CSG_Table (void)
bool Create (void)
 CSG_Table (const CSG_Table &Table)
bool Create (const CSG_Table &Table)
 CSG_Table (const CSG_Table *pTemplate)
bool Create (const CSG_Table *pTemplate)
 CSG_Table (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
 CSG_Table (const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
 CSG_Table (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format=TABLE_FILETYPE_Undefined, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
 CSG_Table (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const CSG_String &File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
 CSG_Table (const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const char *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
 CSG_Table (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Create (const wchar_t *File, TSG_Table_File_Type Format, const SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
virtual ~CSG_Table (void)
CSG_Tableoperator= (const CSG_Table &Table)
bool Assign_Values (const CSG_Table &Table)
bool Assign_Values (CSG_Table *pTable)
bool Assign_Values (const SG_Char *File)
bool Load (const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
virtual bool Save (const CSG_String &File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
virtual bool Save (const char *File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
virtual bool Save (const wchar_t *File, int Format, SG_Char Separator, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED)
bool Set_File_Encoding (int Encoding)
int Get_File_Encoding (void) const
bool Serialize (CSG_File &Stream, bool bSave)
bool is_Compatible (const CSG_Table &Table, bool bExactMatch=false) const
bool is_Compatible (CSG_Table *pTable, bool bExactMatch=false) const
virtual bool Add_Field (const CSG_String &Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Position=-1)
virtual bool Add_Field (const char *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Position=-1)
virtual bool Add_Field (const wchar_t *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Position=-1)
virtual bool Del_Field (int iField)
virtual bool Mov_Field (int iField, int Position)
int Get_Field_Count (void) const
const SG_CharGet_Field_Name (int iField) const
TSG_Data_Type Get_Field_Type (int iField) const
int Get_Field_Length (int iField, int Encoding=SG_FILE_ENCODING_UNDEFINED) const
int Get_Field (const CSG_String &Name) const
int Get_Field (const char *Name) const
int Get_Field (const wchar_t *Name) const
bool Set_Field_Name (int iField, const SG_Char *Name)
virtual bool Set_Field_Type (int iField, TSG_Data_Type Type)
int Find_Field (const CSG_String &Name) const
int Find_Field (const char *Name) const
int Find_Field (const wchar_t *Name) const
bool Find_Field (const CSG_String &Name, int &Index) const
bool Find_Field (const char *Name, int &Index) const
bool Find_Field (const wchar_t *Name, int &Index) const
sLong Get_N (int iField) const
double Get_Minimum (int iField) const
double Get_Maximum (int iField) const
double Get_Range (int iField) const
double Get_Sum (int iField) const
double Get_Mean (int iField) const
double Get_StdDev (int iField) const
double Get_Variance (int iField) const
const CSG_Simple_StatisticsGet_Statistics (int iField) const
virtual CSG_Table_RecordAdd_Record (CSG_Table_Record *pCopy=NULL)
virtual CSG_Table_RecordIns_Record (sLong Index, CSG_Table_Record *pCopy=NULL)
virtual bool Set_Record (sLong Index, CSG_Table_Record *pCopy)
virtual bool Del_Record (sLong Index)
virtual bool Del_Records (void)
virtual bool Set_Count (sLong nRecords)
sLong Get_Count (void) const
virtual CSG_Table_RecordGet_Record (sLong Index) const
virtual CSG_Table_Recordoperator[] (sLong Index) const
sLong Get_Index (sLong Index) const
CSG_Table_RecordGet_Record_byIndex (sLong Index) const
virtual bool Find_Record (sLong &Index, int iField, const CSG_String &Value, bool bCreateIndex=false)
virtual CSG_Table_RecordFind_Record (int iField, const CSG_String &Value, bool bCreateIndex=false)
virtual bool Find_Record (sLong &Index, int iField, double Value, bool bCreateIndex=false)
virtual CSG_Table_RecordFind_Record (int iField, double Value, bool bCreateIndex=false)
virtual bool Set_Value (sLong Index, int iField, const SG_Char *Value)
virtual bool Set_Value (sLong Index, int iField, double Value)
virtual bool Get_Value (sLong Index, int iField, CSG_String &Value) const
virtual bool Get_Value (sLong Index, int iField, double &Value) const
virtual void Set_Modified (bool bModified=true)
sLong Get_Selection_Count (void) const
sLong Get_Selection_Index (sLong Index=0) const
virtual CSG_Table_RecordGet_Selection (sLong Index=0) const
virtual bool is_Selected (sLong Index) const
virtual bool Select (sLong Index, bool bInvert=false)
virtual bool Select (CSG_Table_Record *pRecord=NULL, bool bInvert=false)
virtual sLong Del_Selection (void)
virtual sLong Inv_Selection (void)
bool Set_Index (CSG_Index &Index, int Field, bool bAscending=true) const
bool Set_Index (CSG_Index &Index, int Fields[], int nFields, bool bAscending=true) const
bool Set_Index (CSG_Index &Index, const CSG_Array_Int &Fields, bool bAscending=true) const
bool is_Indexed (void) const
bool Set_Index (int Field_1, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order_1=TABLE_INDEX_Ascending, int Field_2=-1, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order_2=TABLE_INDEX_None, int Field_3=-1, TSG_Table_Index_Order Order_3=TABLE_INDEX_None)
bool Del_Index (void)
bool Toggle_Index (int iField)
int Get_Index_Field (int i) const
TSG_Table_Index_Order Get_Index_Order (int i) const
int Get_Index_Field (size_t i) const
TSG_Table_Index_Order Get_Index_Order (size_t i) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
 CSG_Data_Object (void)
virtual ~CSG_Data_Object (void)
int Get_RefID (void) const
 Returns the object's reference id (unique). More...
int Get_Managed (void) const
bool Reload (void)
 If there is an associated file data can be reloaded with this command. More...
bool Delete (void)
 Deletes all files associated with this data object if possible. Works only with native SAGA files. Returns true on success. More...
void Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName)
const SG_CharGet_File_Name (bool bNative=true) const
int Get_File_Type (void) const
bool is_File_Native (void) const
void Set_Name (const CSG_String &Name)
void Set_Name (const char *Name)
void Set_Name (const wchar_t *Name)
void Fmt_Name (const char *Format,...)
void Fmt_Name (const wchar_t *Format,...)
const SG_CharGet_Name (void) const
void Set_Description (const CSG_String &Description)
const SG_CharGet_Description (void) const
virtual bool is_Modified (void) const
bool Update (bool bForce=false)
CSG_Data_ObjectGet_Owner (void) const
void Set_Owner (CSG_Data_Object *pOwner)
CSG_MetaDataGet_MetaData (void) const
CSG_MetaDataGet_MetaData_DB (void) const
CSG_MetaDataGet_History (void)
const CSG_MetaDataGet_History (void) const
CSG_ProjectionGet_Projection (void)
const CSG_ProjectionGet_Projection (void) const
class CSG_TableasTable (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_ShapesasShapes (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_TINasTIN (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_PointCloudasPointCloud (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_GridasGrid (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_GridsasGrids (bool bPolymorph=false) const
virtual bool Set_NoData_Value (double Value)
virtual bool Set_NoData_Value_Range (double Lower, double Upper)
double Get_NoData_Value (bool bUpper=false) const
bool is_NoData_Value (double Value) const
bool Save_History_to_Model (const CSG_String &File) const
virtual bool Set_Max_Samples (sLong Max_Samples)
sLong Get_Max_Samples (void) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool On_Update (void)
virtual bool On_Reload (void)
virtual bool On_Delete (void)
void _On_Construction (void)
virtual CSG_Table_Record_Get_New_Record (sLong Index)
bool _Destroy_Nodes (void)
bool _Destroy_Edges (void)
bool _Destroy_Triangles (void)
CSG_TIN_Edge_Add_Edge (CSG_TIN_Node *a, CSG_TIN_Node *b)
CSG_TIN_Triangle_Add_Triangle (CSG_TIN_Node *a, CSG_TIN_Node *b, CSG_TIN_Node *c)
bool _Triangulate (void)
bool _Triangulate (CSG_TIN_Node **Nodes, int nNodes, TTIN_Triangle *Triangles, int &nTriangles)
int _CircumCircle (double xp, double yp, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double *xc, double *yc, double *r)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CSG_Table
bool _Add_Selection (sLong Index)
bool _Set_Selection (sLong Index, sLong Selected)
bool _Del_Selection (sLong Index)
bool _Stats_Invalidate (void) const
bool _Stats_Invalidate (int iField) const
virtual bool _Stats_Update (int iField) const
bool _Save_Text (const CSG_String &File, bool bHeadline, const SG_Char Separator)
bool _Save_DBase (const CSG_String &File)
virtual bool On_NoData_Changed (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
void Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName, bool bNative)
void Set_File_Type (int Type)
bool Load_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName)
bool Load_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream)
bool Save_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName)
bool Save_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream)
void Set_Update_Flag (bool bOn=true)
bool Get_Update_Flag (void)

Protected Attributes

bool m_bTriangulate {true}
sLong m_nEdges
sLong m_nTriangles
CSG_Rect m_Extent
CSG_TIN_Edge ** m_Edges
CSG_TIN_Triangle ** m_Triangles
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSG_Table
int m_nFields
int m_Encoding
sLong m_nRecords
sLong m_nBuffer
CSG_String ** m_Field_Name
CSG_Simple_Statistics ** m_Field_Stats
CSG_Array m_Selection
CSG_Rect m_Extent
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSG_Data_Object

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
static void Track (bool Track=true, bool Offset=false)
 Activate/deactivate lifetime tracking (data object construction/destruction). Needs compiler flag WITH_LIFETIME_TRACKER being defined. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 221 of file tin.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CSG_TIN() [1/6]

CSG_TIN::CSG_TIN ( void  )

Definition at line 98 of file tin.cpp.

References _On_Construction().

◆ CSG_TIN() [2/6]


Definition at line 105 of file tin.cpp.

References _On_Construction(), and CSG_Table::Create().

◆ CSG_TIN() [3/6]

CSG_TIN::CSG_TIN ( CSG_Shapes pShapes)

Definition at line 121 of file tin.cpp.

References _On_Construction(), and CSG_Table::Create().

◆ CSG_TIN() [4/6]

CSG_TIN::CSG_TIN ( const CSG_String File)

Definition at line 114 of file tin.cpp.

References _On_Construction(), and CSG_Table::Create().

◆ CSG_TIN() [5/6]

CSG_TIN::CSG_TIN ( const char *  File)

Definition at line 112 of file tin.cpp.

◆ CSG_TIN() [6/6]

CSG_TIN::CSG_TIN ( const wchar_t *  File)

Definition at line 113 of file tin.cpp.

◆ ~CSG_TIN()

CSG_TIN::~CSG_TIN ( void  )

Definition at line 224 of file tin.cpp.

References Destroy().

Member Function Documentation

◆ _Add_Edge()

CSG_TIN_Edge * CSG_TIN::_Add_Edge ( CSG_TIN_Node a,
CSG_TIN_Node b 

Definition at line 465 of file tin.cpp.

References m_Edges, m_nEdges, and SG_Realloc().

Referenced by _Add_Triangle().

◆ _Add_Triangle()

CSG_TIN_Triangle * CSG_TIN::_Add_Triangle ( CSG_TIN_Node a,
CSG_TIN_Node b,
CSG_TIN_Node c 

Definition at line 476 of file tin.cpp.

References _Add_Edge(), m_nTriangles, m_Triangles, and SG_Realloc().

Referenced by _Triangulate(), Add_Triangle(), and Assign().

◆ _CircumCircle()

int CSG_TIN::_CircumCircle ( double  xp,
double  yp,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
double  x3,
double  y3,
double *  xc,
double *  yc,
double *  r 

Definition at line 373 of file tin_triangulation.cpp.

References IS_IDENTICAL.

Referenced by _Triangulate().

◆ _Destroy_Edges()

bool CSG_TIN::_Destroy_Edges ( void  )

Definition at line 253 of file tin.cpp.

References m_Edges, m_nEdges, and SG_Free().

Referenced by _Triangulate(), and Destroy().

◆ _Destroy_Nodes()

bool CSG_TIN::_Destroy_Nodes ( void  )

Definition at line 247 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Del_Records().

Referenced by Destroy().

◆ _Destroy_Triangles()

bool CSG_TIN::_Destroy_Triangles ( void  )

Definition at line 269 of file tin.cpp.

References m_nTriangles, m_Triangles, and SG_Free().

Referenced by _Triangulate(), and Destroy().

◆ _Get_New_Record()

CSG_Table_Record * CSG_TIN::_Get_New_Record ( sLong  Index)

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 404 of file tin.cpp.

◆ _On_Construction()

void CSG_TIN::_On_Construction ( void  )

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 133 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::_On_Construction(), m_Edges, m_nEdges, m_nTriangles, and m_Triangles.

Referenced by CSG_TIN().

◆ _Triangulate() [1/2]

◆ _Triangulate() [2/2]

◆ Add_Node()

CSG_TIN_Node * CSG_TIN::Add_Node ( const TSG_Point Point,
CSG_Table_Record pRecord = NULL,
bool  bUpdateNow = false 

Definition at line 410 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Add_Record(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by Assign(), and Create().

◆ Add_Triangle() [1/2]

CSG_TIN_Triangle * CSG_TIN::Add_Triangle ( CSG_TIN_Node p0,
CSG_TIN_Node p1,
CSG_TIN_Node p2 

Definition at line 449 of file tin.cpp.

References _Add_Triangle().

Referenced by Add_Triangle().

◆ Add_Triangle() [2/2]

CSG_TIN_Triangle * CSG_TIN::Add_Triangle ( CSG_TIN_Node p[3])

Definition at line 454 of file tin.cpp.

References Add_Triangle().

◆ Assign()

◆ Create() [1/5]

bool CSG_TIN::Create ( const char *  File)

Definition at line 153 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Create().

◆ Create() [2/5]

◆ Create() [3/5]

bool CSG_TIN::Create ( const CSG_TIN TIN)

Definition at line 147 of file tin.cpp.

References Assign().

◆ Create() [4/5]

bool CSG_TIN::Create ( const wchar_t *  File)

Definition at line 154 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Create().

◆ Create() [5/5]

◆ Del_Node()

bool CSG_TIN::Del_Node ( sLong  Index,
bool  bUpdateNow 

Definition at line 428 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Del_Record(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by _Triangulate().

◆ Destroy()

bool CSG_TIN::Destroy ( void  )

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 230 of file tin.cpp.

References _Destroy_Edges(), _Destroy_Nodes(), _Destroy_Triangles(), and CSG_Table::Destroy().

Referenced by Assign(), Create(), and ~CSG_TIN().

◆ Get_Edge()

CSG_TIN_Edge* CSG_TIN::Get_Edge ( sLong  Index) const

Definition at line 266 of file tin.h.

◆ Get_Edge_Count()

sLong CSG_TIN::Get_Edge_Count ( void  ) const

Definition at line 265 of file tin.h.

◆ Get_Extent()

const CSG_Rect& CSG_TIN::Get_Extent ( void  )

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 254 of file tin.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::Update().

◆ Get_Node()

CSG_TIN_Node* CSG_TIN::Get_Node ( sLong  Index) const

Definition at line 263 of file tin.h.

References CSG_Table::Get_Record().

Referenced by _Triangulate(), Assign(), On_Update(), and Save().

◆ Get_Node_Count()

sLong CSG_TIN::Get_Node_Count ( void  ) const

Definition at line 262 of file tin.h.

References CSG_Table::Get_Count().

Referenced by _Triangulate(), Assign(), On_Update(), and Save().

◆ Get_ObjectType()

virtual TSG_Data_Object_Type CSG_TIN::Get_ObjectType ( void  ) const

Returns the object type as defined by TSG_Data_Object_Type. Used for run time type checking.

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 244 of file tin.h.


Referenced by Assign().

◆ Get_Triangle()

CSG_TIN_Triangle* CSG_TIN::Get_Triangle ( sLong  Index) const

Definition at line 269 of file tin.h.

Referenced by Assign().

◆ Get_Triangle_Count()

sLong CSG_TIN::Get_Triangle_Count ( void  ) const

Definition at line 268 of file tin.h.

Referenced by Assign(), and Save().

◆ is_Valid()

virtual bool CSG_TIN::is_Valid ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 252 of file tin.h.

References CSG_Table::Get_Count().

Referenced by SG_Create_TIN().

◆ On_Delete()

bool CSG_TIN::On_Delete ( void  )

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 550 of file tin.cpp.

◆ On_Reload()

bool CSG_TIN::On_Reload ( void  )

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 544 of file tin.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Create(), and CSG_Data_Object::Get_File_Name().

◆ On_Update()

bool CSG_TIN::On_Update ( void  )

◆ Save() [1/3]

virtual bool CSG_TIN::Save ( const char *  File,
int  Format = 0 

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 247 of file tin.h.

References Save().

Referenced by Save().

◆ Save() [2/3]

◆ Save() [3/3]

virtual bool CSG_TIN::Save ( const wchar_t *  File,
int  Format = 0 

Reimplemented from CSG_Table.

Definition at line 248 of file tin.h.

References Save().

Referenced by Save().

◆ Triangulate()

bool CSG_TIN::Triangulate ( bool  bOn = true,
bool  bUpdate = false 

Definition at line 340 of file tin.cpp.

References m_bTriangulate, and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bTriangulate

bool CSG_TIN::m_bTriangulate {true}

Definition at line 291 of file tin.h.

Referenced by Assign(), Create(), On_Update(), and Triangulate().

◆ m_Edges

CSG_TIN_Edge** CSG_TIN::m_Edges

Definition at line 297 of file tin.h.

Referenced by _Add_Edge(), _Destroy_Edges(), and _On_Construction().

◆ m_Extent

CSG_Rect CSG_TIN::m_Extent

◆ m_nEdges

sLong CSG_TIN::m_nEdges

Definition at line 293 of file tin.h.

Referenced by _Add_Edge(), _Destroy_Edges(), and _On_Construction().

◆ m_nTriangles

sLong CSG_TIN::m_nTriangles

◆ m_Triangles

CSG_TIN_Triangle** CSG_TIN::m_Triangles

Definition at line 299 of file tin.h.

Referenced by _Add_Triangle(), _Destroy_Triangles(), and _On_Construction().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: