SAGA API  v9.7
CSG_Grids Class Reference

#include <grids.h>

Inheritance diagram for CSG_Grids:

Public Member Functions

 CSG_Grids (void)
virtual ~CSG_Grids (void)
 CSG_Grids (const CSG_Grids &Grids)
virtual bool Create (const CSG_Grids &Grids)
 CSG_Grids (const CSG_Grids *pGrids, bool bCopyData=false)
virtual bool Create (const CSG_Grids *pGrids, bool bCopyData=false)
 CSG_Grids (const char *FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
virtual bool Create (const char *FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
 CSG_Grids (const wchar_t *FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
virtual bool Create (const wchar_t *FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
 CSG_Grids (const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
virtual bool Create (const CSG_String &FileName, bool bLoadData=true)
 CSG_Grids (const CSG_Grid_System &System, int NZ=0, double zMin=0., TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined)
virtual bool Create (const CSG_Grid_System &System, int NZ=0, double zMin=0., TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined)
 CSG_Grids (const CSG_Grid_System &System, const CSG_Table &Attributes, int zAttribute=0, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCreateGrids=false)
virtual bool Create (const CSG_Grid_System &System, const CSG_Table &Attributes, int zAttribute=0, TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined, bool bCreateGrids=false)
 CSG_Grids (int NX, int NY, int NZ=0, double Cellsize=0., double xMin=0., double yMin=0., double zMin=0., TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined)
virtual bool Create (int NX, int NY, int NZ=0, double Cellsize=0., double xMin=0., double yMin=0., double zMin=0., TSG_Data_Type Type=SG_DATATYPE_Undefined)
virtual bool Destroy (void)
virtual bool Load (const CSG_String &File, bool bLoadData=true)
virtual bool Save (const CSG_String &File, int Format=0)
virtual bool Save (const char *File, int Format=0)
virtual bool Save (const wchar_t *File, int Format=0)
virtual TSG_Data_Object_Type Get_ObjectType (void) const
TSG_Data_Type Get_Type (void) const
int Get_nValueBytes (void) const
int Get_nLineBytes (void) const
void Set_Unit (const CSG_String &Unit)
const SG_CharGet_Unit (void) const
const CSG_Grid_SystemGet_System (void) const
virtual const CSG_RectGet_Extent (void)
int Get_NX (void) const
int Get_NY (void) const
int Get_NZ (void) const
sLong Get_NCells (void) const
sLong Get_Data_Count (void)
sLong Get_NoData_Count (void)
double Get_Cellsize (void) const
double Get_Cellarea (void) const
const CSG_RectGet_Extent (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_XMin (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_XMax (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_XRange (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_YMin (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_YMax (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_YRange (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_ZMin (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_ZMax (bool bCells=false) const
double Get_ZRange (bool bCells=false) const
bool Set_Z_Attribute (int Field)
int Get_Z_Attribute (void) const
bool Set_Z_Name_Field (int Field)
int Get_Z_Name_Field (void) const
bool Add_Attribute (const char *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Insert=-1)
bool Add_Attribute (const wchar_t *Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Insert=-1)
bool Add_Attribute (const CSG_String &Name, TSG_Data_Type Type, int Insert=-1)
bool Del_Attribute (int Field)
const CSG_TableGet_Attributes (void) const
CSG_TableGet_Attributes_Ptr (void)
CSG_Table_RecordGet_Attributes (int i) const
bool Set_Attribute (int i, int Field, const CSG_String &Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const CSG_String &Field, const CSG_String &Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const wchar_t *Field, const wchar_t *Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const char *Field, const char *Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, int Field, double Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const CSG_String &Field, double Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const wchar_t *Field, double Value)
bool Set_Attribute (int i, const char *Field, double Value)
bool Set_Z (int i, double Value)
double Get_Z (int i) const
bool Update_Z_Order (void)
bool Set_Grid_Count (int Count)
int Get_Grid_Count (void) const
bool Add_Grid (double Z)
bool Add_Grid (double Z, CSG_Grid *pGrid, bool bAttach=false)
bool Add_Grid (CSG_Table_Record &Attributes)
bool Add_Grid (CSG_Table_Record &Attributes, CSG_Grid *pGrid, bool bAttach=false)
bool Del_Grid (int i, bool bDetach=false)
bool Del_Grids (bool bDetach=false)
const CSG_GridGet_Grid (int i) const
CSG_GridGet_Grid_Ptr (int i) const
CSG_String Get_Grid_Name (int i, int Style=0) const
sLong Get_Memory_Size (void) const
void Set_Scaling (double Scale=1., double Offset=0.)
double Get_Scaling (void) const
double Get_Offset (void) const
bool is_Scaled (void) const
double Get_Mean (void)
double Get_Min (void)
double Get_Max (void)
double Get_Range (void)
double Get_StdDev (void)
double Get_Variance (void)
double Get_Quantile (double Quantile, bool bFromHistogram=true)
double Get_Percentile (double Percentile, bool bFromHistogram=true)
const CSG_Simple_StatisticsGet_Statistics (void)
bool Get_Statistics (const CSG_Rect &rWorld, CSG_Simple_Statistics &Statistics, bool bHoldValues=false) const
const CSG_HistogramGet_Histogram (size_t nClasses=0)
bool Get_Histogram (const CSG_Rect &rWorld, CSG_Histogram &Histogram, size_t nClasses=0) const
virtual bool Set_Max_Samples (sLong Max_Samples)
virtual bool is_Valid (void) const
TSG_Intersection is_Intersecting (const CSG_Rect &Extent) const
TSG_Intersection is_Intersecting (const TSG_Rect &Extent) const
TSG_Intersection is_Intersecting (double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax) const
bool is_Compatible (CSG_Grid *pGrid) const
bool is_Compatible (CSG_Grids *pGrids) const
bool is_Compatible (const CSG_Grid_System &System) const
bool is_Compatible (int NX, int NY, double Cellsize, double xMin, double yMin) const
bool is_InGrid (int x, int y, int z, bool bCheckNoData=true) const
bool is_InGrid_byPos (double x, double y, double z, bool bCheckNoData=true) const
bool is_InGrid_byPos (const TSG_Point_3D &p, bool bCheckNoData=true) const
virtual void Set_Modified (bool bModified=true)
virtual bool is_Modified (void) const
void Assign_NoData (void)
virtual bool Assign (double Value=0.)
virtual bool Assign (CSG_Data_Object *pObject)
virtual bool Assign (CSG_Grids *pGrids, TSG_Grid_Resampling Interpolation)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator= (const CSG_Grids &Grids)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator= (double Value)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator+= (double Value)
virtual CSG_GridsAdd (double Value)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator-= (double Value)
virtual CSG_GridsSubtract (double Value)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator*= (double Value)
virtual CSG_GridsMultiply (double Value)
virtual CSG_Gridsoperator/= (double Value)
virtual CSG_GridsDivide (double Value)
virtual double operator() (int x, int y, int z) const
virtual CSG_Gridoperator[] (int i)
virtual bool Set_NoData_Value_Range (double loValue, double hiValue)
virtual bool is_NoData (int x, int y, int z) const
virtual bool is_NoData (sLong i) const
virtual void Set_NoData (int x, int y, int z)
virtual void Set_NoData (sLong i)
double Get_Value (double x, double y, double z, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, TSG_Grid_Resampling ZResampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined) const
double Get_Value (const TSG_Point_3D &p, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, TSG_Grid_Resampling ZResampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined) const
bool Get_Value (double x, double y, double z, double &Value, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, TSG_Grid_Resampling ZResampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined) const
bool Get_Value (const TSG_Point_3D &p, double &Value, TSG_Grid_Resampling Resampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline, TSG_Grid_Resampling ZResampling=GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined) const
virtual BYTE asByte (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual BYTE asByte (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual char asChar (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual char asChar (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual short asShort (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual short asShort (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual int asInt (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual int asInt (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual sLong asLong (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual sLong asLong (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual float asFloat (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual float asFloat (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual double asDouble (sLong i, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual double asDouble (int x, int y, int z, bool bScaled=true) const
virtual void Add_Value (int x, int y, int z, double Value)
virtual void Add_Value (sLong i, double Value)
virtual void Mul_Value (int x, int y, int z, double Value)
virtual void Mul_Value (sLong i, double Value)
virtual void Set_Value (sLong i, double Value, bool bScaled=true)
virtual void Set_Value (int x, int y, int z, double Value, bool bScaled=true)
bool Set_Index (bool bOn=true)
sLong Get_Sorted (sLong Position, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true)
bool Get_Sorted (sLong Position, sLong &i, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true)
bool Get_Sorted (sLong Position, int &x, int &y, int &z, bool bDown=true, bool bCheckNoData=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
 CSG_Data_Object (void)
virtual ~CSG_Data_Object (void)
int Get_RefID (void) const
 Returns the object's reference id (unique). More...
int Get_Managed (void) const
bool Reload (void)
 If there is an associated file data can be reloaded with this command. More...
bool Delete (void)
 Deletes all files associated with this data object if possible. Works only with native SAGA files. Returns true on success. More...
void Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName)
const SG_CharGet_File_Name (bool bNative=true) const
int Get_File_Type (void) const
bool is_File_Native (void) const
void Set_Name (const CSG_String &Name)
void Set_Name (const char *Name)
void Set_Name (const wchar_t *Name)
void Fmt_Name (const char *Format,...)
void Fmt_Name (const wchar_t *Format,...)
const SG_CharGet_Name (void) const
void Set_Description (const CSG_String &Description)
const SG_CharGet_Description (void) const
bool Update (bool bForce=false)
CSG_Data_ObjectGet_Owner (void) const
void Set_Owner (CSG_Data_Object *pOwner)
CSG_MetaDataGet_MetaData (void) const
CSG_MetaDataGet_MetaData_DB (void) const
CSG_MetaDataGet_History (void)
const CSG_MetaDataGet_History (void) const
CSG_ProjectionGet_Projection (void)
const CSG_ProjectionGet_Projection (void) const
class CSG_TableasTable (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_ShapesasShapes (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_TINasTIN (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_PointCloudasPointCloud (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_GridasGrid (bool bPolymorph=false) const
class CSG_GridsasGrids (bool bPolymorph=false) const
virtual bool Set_NoData_Value (double Value)
double Get_NoData_Value (bool bUpper=false) const
bool is_NoData_Value (double Value) const
bool Save_History_to_Model (const CSG_String &File) const
sLong Get_Max_Samples (void) const

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool On_Update (void)
virtual bool On_Reload (void)
virtual bool On_Delete (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
void Set_File_Name (const CSG_String &FileName, bool bNative)
void Set_File_Type (int Type)
bool Load_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName)
bool Load_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream)
bool Save_MetaData (const CSG_String &FileName)
bool Save_MetaData (CSG_File &Stream)
void Set_Update_Flag (bool bOn=true)
bool Get_Update_Flag (void)
virtual bool On_NoData_Changed (void)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CSG_Data_Object
static void Track (bool Track=true, bool Offset=false)
 Activate/deactivate lifetime tracking (data object construction/destruction). Needs compiler flag WITH_LIFETIME_TRACKER being defined. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from CSG_Data_Object

Detailed Description

CSG_Grids is the data object created for handling raster collections.

Definition at line 118 of file grids.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CSG_Grids() [1/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( void  )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 137 of file grids.cpp.

◆ ~CSG_Grids()

CSG_Grids::~CSG_Grids ( void  )

The destructor.

Definition at line 146 of file grids.cpp.

References Destroy().

◆ CSG_Grids() [2/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const CSG_Grids Grids)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 158 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [3/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const CSG_Grids pGrids,
bool  bCopyData = false 

Create a grid collection using the pGrids's grid system, data type, and attribute field definition. If bCopyData is true, it also copies the data. Otherwise it has no initial data.

Definition at line 173 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [4/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const char *  FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Create a grid collection from file.

Definition at line 185 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [5/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const wchar_t *  FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Definition at line 186 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [6/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const CSG_String FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Definition at line 187 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [7/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const CSG_Grid_System System,
int  NZ = 0,
double  zMin = 0.,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined 

Create a grid collection with specified dimensions'.

Definition at line 206 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [8/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( const CSG_Grid_System System,
const CSG_Table Attributes,
int  zAttribute = 0,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined,
bool  bCreateGrids = false 

Create a grid collection with specified dimensions'.

Definition at line 218 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ CSG_Grids() [9/9]

CSG_Grids::CSG_Grids ( int  NX,
int  NY,
int  NZ = 0,
double  Cellsize = 0.,
double  xMin = 0.,
double  yMin = 0.,
double  zMin = 0.,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined 

Create a grid collection with specified dimensions'.

Definition at line 194 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::Add ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1010 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Add(), and Get_Grid_Count().

Referenced by operator+=().

◆ Add_Attribute() [1/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Add_Attribute ( const char *  Name,
TSG_Data_Type  Type,
int  Insert = -1 

Definition at line 510 of file grids.cpp.

Referenced by Add_Attribute().

◆ Add_Attribute() [2/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Add_Attribute ( const CSG_String Name,
TSG_Data_Type  Type,
int  Insert = -1 

Definition at line 512 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Add_Field().

◆ Add_Attribute() [3/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Add_Attribute ( const wchar_t *  Name,
TSG_Data_Type  Type,
int  Insert = -1 

Definition at line 511 of file grids.cpp.

References Add_Attribute().

◆ Add_Grid() [1/4]

◆ Add_Grid() [2/4]

◆ Add_Grid() [3/4]

bool CSG_Grids::Add_Grid ( double  Z)

◆ Add_Grid() [4/4]

bool CSG_Grids::Add_Grid ( double  Z,
CSG_Grid pGrid,
bool  bAttach = false 

Definition at line 675 of file grids.cpp.

References Add_Grid(), CSG_Table::Add_Record(), and CSG_Table::Set_Value().

◆ Add_Value() [1/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Add_Value ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
double  Value 

Definition at line 415 of file grids.h.

◆ Add_Value() [2/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Add_Value ( sLong  i,
double  Value 

Definition at line 416 of file grids.h.

◆ asByte() [1/2]

virtual BYTE CSG_Grids::asByte ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 385 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_BYTE.

◆ asByte() [2/2]

virtual BYTE CSG_Grids::asByte ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 386 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_BYTE.

◆ asChar() [1/2]

virtual char CSG_Grids::asChar ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 387 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_CHAR.

◆ asChar() [2/2]

virtual char CSG_Grids::asChar ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 388 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_CHAR.

◆ asDouble() [1/2]

virtual double CSG_Grids::asDouble ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 406 of file grids.h.

◆ asDouble() [2/2]

virtual double CSG_Grids::asDouble ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

◆ asFloat() [1/2]

virtual float CSG_Grids::asFloat ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 395 of file grids.h.

◆ asFloat() [2/2]

virtual float CSG_Grids::asFloat ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 396 of file grids.h.

◆ asInt() [1/2]

virtual int CSG_Grids::asInt ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 391 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_INT.

◆ asInt() [2/2]

virtual int CSG_Grids::asInt ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 392 of file grids.h.

References SG_ROUND_TO_INT.

◆ asLong() [1/2]

virtual sLong CSG_Grids::asLong ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 393 of file grids.h.


◆ asLong() [2/2]

virtual sLong CSG_Grids::asLong ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 394 of file grids.h.


◆ asShort() [1/2]

virtual short CSG_Grids::asShort ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 389 of file grids.h.


◆ asShort() [2/2]

virtual short CSG_Grids::asShort ( sLong  i,
bool  bScaled = true 
) const

Definition at line 390 of file grids.h.


◆ Assign() [1/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Assign ( CSG_Data_Object pObject)

◆ Assign() [2/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Assign ( CSG_Grids pGrids,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  Interpolation 

Definition at line 968 of file grids.cpp.

References Assign(), and Get_Grid_Count().

◆ Assign() [3/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Assign ( double  Value = 0.)

Definition at line 924 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Assign(), and Get_Grid_Count().

Referenced by Assign(), and operator=().

◆ Assign_NoData()

void CSG_Grids::Assign_NoData ( void  )

Definition at line 915 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Assign_NoData(), and Get_Grid_Count().

◆ Create() [1/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const char *  FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Definition at line 312 of file grids.cpp.

References Load().

◆ Create() [2/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const CSG_Grid_System System,
const CSG_Table Attributes,
int  zAttribute = 0,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined,
bool  bCreateGrids = false 

◆ Create() [3/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const CSG_Grid_System System,
int  NZ = 0,
double  zMin = 0.,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined 

◆ Create() [4/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const CSG_Grids Grids)

◆ Create() [5/8]

◆ Create() [6/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const CSG_String FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Definition at line 314 of file grids.cpp.

References Load().

◆ Create() [7/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( const wchar_t *  FileName,
bool  bLoadData = true 

Definition at line 313 of file grids.cpp.

References Load().

◆ Create() [8/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Create ( int  NX,
int  NY,
int  NZ = 0,
double  Cellsize = 0.,
double  xMin = 0.,
double  yMin = 0.,
double  zMin = 0.,
TSG_Data_Type  Type = SG_DATATYPE_Undefined 

Definition at line 366 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ Del_Attribute()

bool CSG_Grids::Del_Attribute ( int  Field)

Definition at line 518 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Del_Field(), and CSG_Table::Get_Field_Count().

◆ Del_Grid()

bool CSG_Grids::Del_Grid ( int  i,
bool  bDetach = false 

◆ Del_Grids()

◆ Destroy()

bool CSG_Grids::Destroy ( void  )

◆ Divide()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::Divide ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1058 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Divide(), and Get_Grid_Count().

Referenced by operator/=().

◆ Get_Attributes() [1/2]

CSG_Table_Record& CSG_Grids::Get_Attributes ( int  i) const

Definition at line 227 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_Attributes() [2/2]

const CSG_Table& CSG_Grids::Get_Attributes ( void  ) const

Definition at line 224 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Create().

◆ Get_Attributes_Ptr()

CSG_Table* CSG_Grids::Get_Attributes_Ptr ( void  )

Definition at line 225 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_Cellarea()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Cellarea ( void  ) const

Definition at line 193 of file grids.h.

References Get_Cellarea().

Referenced by Get_Cellarea().

◆ Get_Cellsize()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Cellsize ( void  ) const

Definition at line 192 of file grids.h.

References Get_Cellsize().

Referenced by Get_Cellsize(), CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary(), and Set_Grid_Count().

◆ Get_Data_Count()

sLong CSG_Grids::Get_Data_Count ( void  )

Definition at line 1438 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Count(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by Get_Quantile().

◆ Get_Extent() [1/2]

const CSG_Rect& CSG_Grids::Get_Extent ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 195 of file grids.h.

References Get_Extent().

Referenced by Get_Extent().

◆ Get_Extent() [2/2]

virtual const CSG_Rect& CSG_Grids::Get_Extent ( void  )

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 183 of file grids.h.

References Get_Extent().

Referenced by Get_Extent(), and Get_Value().

◆ Get_Grid()

const CSG_Grid& CSG_Grids::Get_Grid ( int  i) const

Definition at line 259 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_Grid_Count()

int CSG_Grids::Get_Grid_Count ( void  ) const

◆ Get_Grid_Name()

◆ Get_Grid_Ptr()

CSG_Grid* CSG_Grids::Get_Grid_Ptr ( int  i) const

◆ Get_Histogram() [1/2]

◆ Get_Histogram() [2/2]

const CSG_Histogram & CSG_Grids::Get_Histogram ( size_t  nClasses = 0)

◆ Get_Max()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Max ( void  )

Definition at line 1417 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Maximum(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), and Get_Quantile().

◆ Get_Mean()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Mean ( void  )

Definition at line 1407 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Mean(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

◆ Get_Memory_Size()

sLong CSG_Grids::Get_Memory_Size ( void  ) const

Definition at line 263 of file grids.h.

References Get_Memory_Size().

Referenced by Get_Memory_Size().

◆ Get_Min()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Min ( void  )

Definition at line 1412 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Minimum(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), and Get_Quantile().

◆ Get_NCells()

sLong CSG_Grids::Get_NCells ( void  ) const

◆ Get_nLineBytes()

int CSG_Grids::Get_nLineBytes ( void  ) const

Definition at line 172 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_NoData_Count()

sLong CSG_Grids::Get_NoData_Count ( void  )

◆ Get_nValueBytes()

int CSG_Grids::Get_nValueBytes ( void  ) const

Definition at line 171 of file grids.h.

References Get_nValueBytes().

Referenced by Get_nValueBytes().

◆ Get_NX()

int CSG_Grids::Get_NX ( void  ) const

Definition at line 185 of file grids.h.

References Get_NX().

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_NX(), Get_Statistics(), and CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary().

◆ Get_NY()

int CSG_Grids::Get_NY ( void  ) const

Definition at line 186 of file grids.h.

References Get_NY().

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_NY(), Get_Statistics(), and CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary().

◆ Get_NZ()

◆ Get_ObjectType()

virtual TSG_Data_Object_Type CSG_Grids::Get_ObjectType ( void  ) const

Data object type information.

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 163 of file grids.h.

References SG_DATAOBJECT_TYPE_Grids.

◆ Get_Offset()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Offset ( void  ) const

Definition at line 271 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().

◆ Get_Percentile()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Percentile ( double  Percentile,
bool  bFromHistogram = true 

Definition at line 1472 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Quantile().

◆ Get_Quantile()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Quantile ( double  Quantile,
bool  bFromHistogram = true 

◆ Get_Range()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Range ( void  )

Definition at line 1422 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Range(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

◆ Get_Scaling()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Scaling ( void  ) const

Definition at line 270 of file grids.h.

References Get_Scaling().

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Scaling(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().

◆ Get_Sorted() [1/3]

sLong CSG_Grids::Get_Sorted ( sLong  Position,
bool  bDown = true,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 

Definition at line 450 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Get_Quantile().

◆ Get_Sorted() [2/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Get_Sorted ( sLong  Position,
int &  x,
int &  y,
int &  z,
bool  bDown = true,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 

Definition at line 470 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_Sorted() [3/3]

bool CSG_Grids::Get_Sorted ( sLong  Position,
sLong i,
bool  bDown = true,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 

Definition at line 465 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_Statistics() [1/2]

bool CSG_Grids::Get_Statistics ( const CSG_Rect rWorld,
CSG_Simple_Statistics Statistics,
bool  bHoldValues = false 
) const

◆ Get_Statistics() [2/2]

const CSG_Simple_Statistics & CSG_Grids::Get_Statistics ( void  )

Returns the statistics for the whole data set. It is automatically updated if necessary. Statistics give no access to parameters like quantiles that need values to be kept internally. Use Get_Quantile() function instead.

Definition at line 1489 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Data_Object::Update().

Referenced by Get_Histogram().

◆ Get_StdDev()

double CSG_Grids::Get_StdDev ( void  )

Definition at line 1427 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_StdDev(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

◆ Get_System()

const CSG_Grid_System& CSG_Grids::Get_System ( void  ) const

◆ Get_Type()

TSG_Data_Type CSG_Grids::Get_Type ( void  ) const

Definition at line 169 of file grids.h.

References Get_Type().

Referenced by Add_Grid(), Create(), CSG_Parameters_Grid_Target::Get_Grids(), Get_Type(), and is_Compatible().

◆ Get_Unit()

const SG_Char* CSG_Grids::Get_Unit ( void  ) const

Definition at line 175 of file grids.h.

References Get_Unit().

Referenced by Get_Unit().

◆ Get_Value() [1/4]

bool CSG_Grids::Get_Value ( const TSG_Point_3D p,
double &  Value,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  ZResampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined 
) const

Definition at line 1090 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Value(), SSG_Point_3D::x, SSG_Point_3D::y, and SSG_Point_3D::z.

◆ Get_Value() [2/4]

double CSG_Grids::Get_Value ( const TSG_Point_3D p,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  ZResampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined 
) const

◆ Get_Value() [3/4]

◆ Get_Value() [4/4]

double CSG_Grids::Get_Value ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  Resampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_BSpline,
TSG_Grid_Resampling  ZResampling = GRID_RESAMPLING_Undefined 
) const

Definition at line 1083 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().

Referenced by Get_Value().

◆ Get_Variance()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Variance ( void  )

Definition at line 1432 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Simple_Statistics::Get_Variance(), and CSG_Data_Object::Update().

◆ Get_XMax()

double CSG_Grids::Get_XMax ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 198 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_XMin()

double CSG_Grids::Get_XMin ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 197 of file grids.h.

Referenced by CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary().

◆ Get_XRange()

double CSG_Grids::Get_XRange ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 199 of file grids.h.

References Get_XRange().

Referenced by Get_XRange().

◆ Get_YMax()

double CSG_Grids::Get_YMax ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 202 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_YMin()

double CSG_Grids::Get_YMin ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 201 of file grids.h.

Referenced by CSG_Data_Manager::Get_Summary().

◆ Get_YRange()

double CSG_Grids::Get_YRange ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 203 of file grids.h.

References Get_YRange().

Referenced by Get_YRange().

◆ Get_Z()

double CSG_Grids::Get_Z ( int  i) const

Definition at line 240 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Get_Grid_Name().

◆ Get_Z_Attribute()

int CSG_Grids::Get_Z_Attribute ( void  ) const

Definition at line 214 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Create().

◆ Get_Z_Name_Field()

int CSG_Grids::Get_Z_Name_Field ( void  ) const

Definition at line 504 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field_Count().

Referenced by Create(), and Get_Grid_Name().

◆ Get_ZMax()

double CSG_Grids::Get_ZMax ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 206 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Set_Grid_Count().

◆ Get_ZMin()

double CSG_Grids::Get_ZMin ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 205 of file grids.h.

◆ Get_ZRange()

double CSG_Grids::Get_ZRange ( bool  bCells = false) const

Definition at line 207 of file grids.h.

◆ is_Compatible() [1/4]

bool CSG_Grids::is_Compatible ( const CSG_Grid_System System) const

Definition at line 461 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_System().

◆ is_Compatible() [2/4]

bool CSG_Grids::is_Compatible ( CSG_Grid pGrid) const

Definition at line 451 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Get_System(), CSG_Grid::Get_Type(), and Get_Type().

Referenced by Add_Grid(), and is_Compatible().

◆ is_Compatible() [3/4]

bool CSG_Grids::is_Compatible ( CSG_Grids pGrids) const

Definition at line 456 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_NZ(), Get_System(), and is_Compatible().

◆ is_Compatible() [4/4]

bool CSG_Grids::is_Compatible ( int  NX,
int  NY,
double  Cellsize,
double  xMin,
double  yMin 
) const

Definition at line 466 of file grids.cpp.

References is_Compatible().

◆ is_InGrid()

bool CSG_Grids::is_InGrid ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 
) const

Definition at line 306 of file grids.h.

References is_InGrid().

Referenced by is_InGrid().

◆ is_InGrid_byPos() [1/2]

bool CSG_Grids::is_InGrid_byPos ( const TSG_Point_3D p,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 
) const

Definition at line 308 of file grids.h.

References is_InGrid_byPos(), SSG_Point_3D::x, SSG_Point_3D::y, and SSG_Point_3D::z.

Referenced by is_InGrid_byPos().

◆ is_InGrid_byPos() [2/2]

bool CSG_Grids::is_InGrid_byPos ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
bool  bCheckNoData = true 
) const

Definition at line 307 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::Get_Extent().

◆ is_Intersecting() [1/3]

TSG_Intersection CSG_Grids::is_Intersecting ( const CSG_Rect Extent) const

Definition at line 297 of file grids.h.

References is_Intersecting().

Referenced by is_Intersecting().

◆ is_Intersecting() [2/3]

TSG_Intersection CSG_Grids::is_Intersecting ( const TSG_Rect Extent) const

Definition at line 298 of file grids.h.

References is_Intersecting().

Referenced by is_Intersecting().

◆ is_Intersecting() [3/3]

TSG_Intersection CSG_Grids::is_Intersecting ( double  xMin,
double  yMin,
double  xMax,
double  yMax 
) const

Definition at line 299 of file grids.h.

References is_Intersecting().

Referenced by is_Intersecting().

◆ is_Modified()

virtual bool CSG_Grids::is_Modified ( void  ) const

Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 326 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::is_Modified().

◆ is_NoData() [1/2]

virtual bool CSG_Grids::is_NoData ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Definition at line 370 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value().

Referenced by CSG_Natural_Breaks::Create(), and CSG_Histogram::Create().

◆ is_NoData() [2/2]

virtual bool CSG_Grids::is_NoData ( sLong  i) const

Definition at line 371 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::is_NoData_Value().

◆ is_Scaled()

bool CSG_Grids::is_Scaled ( void  ) const

Definition at line 272 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Get_Histogram(), Get_Statistics(), and On_Update().

◆ is_Valid()

bool CSG_Grids::is_Valid ( void  ) const

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 445 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_System().

Referenced by Add_Grid(), Create(), On_Update(), Set_Grid_Count(), and SG_Create_Grids().

◆ Load()

bool CSG_Grids::Load ( const CSG_String File,
bool  bLoadData = true 

◆ Mul_Value() [1/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Mul_Value ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
double  Value 

Definition at line 418 of file grids.h.

◆ Mul_Value() [2/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Mul_Value ( sLong  i,
double  Value 

Definition at line 419 of file grids.h.

◆ Multiply()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::Multiply ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1042 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Grid_Count(), and CSG_Grid::Multiply().

Referenced by operator*=().

◆ On_Delete()

bool CSG_Grids::On_Delete ( void  )

◆ On_Reload()

bool CSG_Grids::On_Reload ( void  )

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 1682 of file grids.cpp.

References Create(), and CSG_Data_Object::Get_File_Name().

◆ On_Update()

◆ operator()()

virtual double CSG_Grids::operator() ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 
) const

Definition at line 360 of file grids.h.

◆ operator*=()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator*= ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1037 of file grids.cpp.

References Multiply().

◆ operator+=()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator+= ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1005 of file grids.cpp.

References Add().

◆ operator-=()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator-= ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1021 of file grids.cpp.

References Subtract().

◆ operator/=()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator/= ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1053 of file grids.cpp.

References Divide().

◆ operator=() [1/2]

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator= ( const CSG_Grids Grids)

Definition at line 994 of file grids.cpp.

References Create().

◆ operator=() [2/2]

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::operator= ( double  Value)

Definition at line 999 of file grids.cpp.

References Assign().

◆ operator[]()

virtual CSG_Grid& CSG_Grids::operator[] ( int  i)

Definition at line 362 of file grids.h.

◆ Save() [1/3]

virtual bool CSG_Grids::Save ( const char *  File,
int  Format = 0 

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 156 of file grids.h.

References Save().

Referenced by Save().

◆ Save() [2/3]

◆ Save() [3/3]

virtual bool CSG_Grids::Save ( const wchar_t *  File,
int  Format = 0 

Implements CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 157 of file grids.h.

References Save().

Referenced by Save().

◆ Set_Attribute() [1/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const char *  Field,
const char *  Value 

Definition at line 543 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [2/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const char *  Field,
double  Value 

Definition at line 552 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [3/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const CSG_String Field,
const CSG_String Value 

Definition at line 545 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [4/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const CSG_String Field,
double  Value 

Definition at line 554 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [5/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const wchar_t *  Field,
const wchar_t *  Value 

Definition at line 544 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [6/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
const wchar_t *  Field,
double  Value 

Definition at line 553 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field(), and Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [7/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
int  Field,
const CSG_String Value 

Definition at line 546 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Count(), and CSG_Table::Set_Value().

Referenced by Set_Attribute().

◆ Set_Attribute() [8/8]

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Attribute ( int  i,
int  Field,
double  Value 

Definition at line 555 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Count(), and CSG_Table::Set_Value().

◆ Set_Grid_Count()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Grid_Count ( int  Count)

◆ Set_Index()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Index ( bool  bOn = true)

Definition at line 438 of file grids.h.

References SG_FREE_SAFE.

◆ Set_Max_Samples()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Max_Samples ( sLong  Max_Samples)

Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 1564 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Grid_Count(), Get_Grid_Ptr(), and CSG_Data_Object::Set_Max_Samples().

◆ Set_Modified()

virtual void CSG_Grids::Set_Modified ( bool  bModified = true)

Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 314 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::Set_Modified(), and CSG_Data_Object::Set_Update_Flag().

Referenced by Load(), and Save().

◆ Set_NoData() [1/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Set_NoData ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z 

Definition at line 373 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().

◆ Set_NoData() [2/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Set_NoData ( sLong  i)

Definition at line 374 of file grids.h.

References CSG_Data_Object::Get_NoData_Value().

◆ Set_NoData_Value_Range()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_NoData_Value_Range ( double  loValue,
double  hiValue 

Reimplemented from CSG_Data_Object.

Definition at line 398 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Grid_Count(), and CSG_Data_Object::Set_NoData_Value_Range().

Referenced by Create().

◆ Set_Scaling()

void CSG_Grids::Set_Scaling ( double  Scale = 1.,
double  Offset = 0. 

◆ Set_Unit()

void CSG_Grids::Set_Unit ( const CSG_String Unit)

Definition at line 379 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Grid::Set_Unit().

◆ Set_Value() [1/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Set_Value ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
double  Value,
bool  bScaled = true 

Definition at line 429 of file grids.h.

◆ Set_Value() [2/2]

virtual void CSG_Grids::Set_Value ( sLong  i,
double  Value,
bool  bScaled = true 

Definition at line 422 of file grids.h.

Referenced by Set_Z().

◆ Set_Z()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Z ( int  i,
double  Value 

Definition at line 561 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_NZ(), and Set_Value().

◆ Set_Z_Attribute()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Z_Attribute ( int  Field)

Definition at line 479 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field_Count(), and Update_Z_Order().

Referenced by Create().

◆ Set_Z_Name_Field()

bool CSG_Grids::Set_Z_Name_Field ( int  Field)

Definition at line 492 of file grids.cpp.

References CSG_Table::Get_Field_Count().

Referenced by Create().

◆ Subtract()

CSG_Grids & CSG_Grids::Subtract ( double  Value)

Definition at line 1026 of file grids.cpp.

References Get_Grid_Count(), and CSG_Grid::Subtract().

Referenced by operator-=().

◆ Update_Z_Order()

bool CSG_Grids::Update_Z_Order ( void  )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: