SAGA 9.4.2 | Tool Library Documentation

Full Tool Index

3D Points Selection
3D Scatterplot Viewer
3D Shapes Viewer
A Simple Litter System
Accumulated Cost
Accumulation Functions
Add Coordinates to Points
Add Grid Values to Points
Add Grid Values to Shapes
Add Indicator Fields for Categories
Add Point Attributes to Polygons
Add Polygon Attributes to Points
Add Statistics for Grids
Add a Grid to a Grid Collection
Aggregate Point Observations
Aggregate Values by Attributes
Aggregation Index
Air Humidity Conversions
Air Pressure Adjustment
Analytical Hierarchy Process
Analytical Hillshading
Angular Distance Weighted
Annual Course of Daily Insolation
Append Fields from another Table
Artificial Neural Network Classification
Aspect-Slope Grid
Automated Cloud Cover Assessment
Average With Mask 1
Average With Mask 2
Average With Thereshold 1
Average With Thereshold 2
Average With Thereshold 3
B-Spline Approximation
BSL from File
Basic Terrain Analysis
Begin Transaction
Binary Erosion-Reconstruction
Bioclimatic Variables
Boosting Classification
Boundary Cells to Polygons
Breach Depressions
Build Statistics for Grids
Burn Stream Network into DEM
CIT Index
Canny Edge Detection
Carbon Cycle Simulation for Terrestrial Biomass
Categorical Coincidence
Cell Balance
Cellwise Trend for Grids
Change Color Format
Change Data Storage
Change Date Format
Change Field Name
Change Field Type
Change Grid System
Change Grid Values
Change Grid Values - Flood Fill
Change Longitudinal Range for Grids
Change Longitudinal Range for a Grid Collection
Change Time Format
Change Vector Analysis
Change a Grid's No-Data Value
Change a Grid's No-Data Value [Bulk Processing]
Channel Network
Channel Network and Drainage Basins
Climate Classification
Clip Grid with Polygon
Clip Grid with Rectangle
Clip Grids
Clip Points with Polygons
Close Gaps
Close Gaps with Spline
Close Gaps with Stepwise Resampling
Close One Cell Gaps
Cloud Detection
Cloud Overlap
Cloud Shadow Detection
Cluster Analysis (Table Fields)
Cluster Analysis for Point Clouds
Coastal Profile Crossings
Cold Air Flow
Color Palette Rotation
Color Triangle Composite
Colorisation (PC)
Colour Normalized Brovey Sharpening
Colour Normalized Spectral Sharpening
Combine Classes
Combine Grids
Commit/Rollback Transaction
Commit/Rollback Transaction
Confusion Matrix (Polygons / Grid)
Confusion Matrix (Table Fields)
Confusion Matrix (Two Grids)
Connect to ODBC Source
Connect to PostgreSQL
Connected Component Labeling
Connectivity Analysis
Constant Grid
Construct Points from Table
Contour Lines from Grid
Contour Lines from Points
Convergence Index
Convergence Index (Search Radius)
Convert Line/Polygon Vertices to Points
Convert Lines to Polygons
Convert Multipoints to Points
Convert Points to Line(s)
Convert Polygon/Line Vertices to Points
Convert Polygons to Lines
Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D)
Convex Hull
Conway's Game of Life
Coordinate Conversion (Grids)
Coordinate Conversion (Table)
Coordinate Reference System Picker
Coordinate Transformation (Grid List)
Coordinate Transformation (Grid)
Coordinate Transformation (Shapes List)
Coordinate Transformation (Shapes)
Copy Grid
Copy Selection
Copy Selection to New Shapes Layer
Copy Shapes
Copy Shapes from Region
Copy Table
Count Points in Polygons
Coverage of Categories
Covered Distance
Create 3D Image
Create Chart Layer (Bars/Sectors)
Create Database
Create Graticule
Create Grid System
Create New Shapes Layer
Create New Table
Create Point Grid
Create Random Points
Create Raster Catalogue from Files
Create Raster Catalogue from Virtual Raster (VRT)
Create Raster Catalogues from Directory
Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud
Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset
Create Virtual Raster (VRT)
Create a Grid Collection
Create a Table from Look-up Table
Crop to Data
Cross Profiles
Cross-Classification and Tabulation
Cubic Spline Approximation
Curvature Classification
DTM Filter (slope-based)
Daily Insolation over Latitude
Daily Solar Radiation
Daily to Hourly Evapotranspiration
Decision Tree
Decision Tree Classification
Define Georeference for Grids
Delete Fields
Delete Grids from a Grid Collection
Delete Selection
Delete Selection from Shapes Layer
Destriping with Mask
Diffuse Pollution Risk
Diffusive Hillslope Evolution (ADI)
Diffusive Hillslope Evolution (FTCS)
Direct Georeferencing of Airborne Photographs
Directional Average
Directional Grid Statistics
Directional Statistics for Single Grid
Disconnect All
Disconnect All
Disconnect from ODBC Source
Disconnect from PostgreSQL
Distance (ViGrA)
Diurnal Anisotropic Heat
Diversity of Categories
Downslope Distance Gradient
Drop Database
Drop Point Cloud Attributes
Drop Table
Drop Table
Earth's Orbital Parameters
Edge Contamination
Edge Detection (ViGrA)
Effective Air Flow Heights
Enhanced Vegetation Index
Evaluate Statistics for Grids
Evapotranspiration (Grid)
Evapotranspiration (Table)
Execute SQL
Execute SQL
Export Atlas Boundary File
Export ESRI Arc/Info Grid
Export GPX
Export GStat Shapes
Export GeoTIFF
Export Grid Collection
Export Grid to KML
Export Grid to XYZ
Export Image (bmp, jpg, pcx, png, tif)
Export LAS/LAZ File
Export Point Cloud to Text File
Export Polygons to HTML Image Map
Export Raster
Export Raster
Export Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) File
Export Shapes
Export Shapes
Export Shapes to Generate
Export Shapes to KML
Export Shapes to XYZ
Export Simple Features to Well Known Text
Export Surfer Blanking File
Export Surfer Grid
Export TIN to Stereo Lithography File (STL)
Export Table
Export Table
Export Text Table
Export True Color Bitmap
Export WASP terrain map file
Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format
Extract Closed Lines
Extract Grids from a Grid Collection
Extract a Grid from a Grid Collection
Fast Representativeness
Field Calculator
Field Enumeration
Field Statistics
Fill Gaps in Ordered Records
Fill Gaps in Records
Fill Minima
Fill Sinks (Planchon/Darboux, 2001)
Fill Sinks (QM of ESP)
Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu)
Fill Sinks XXL (Wang & Liu)
Filter Clumps
Find Field of Extreme Value
Fire Risk Analysis
Fit Color Palette to Grid Values
Flat Detection
Flatten Polygon Layer
Flip Line Direction
Flow Accumulation (Flow Tracing)
Flow Accumulation (Mass-Flux Method)
Flow Accumulation (One Step)
Flow Accumulation (Parallel)
Flow Accumulation (Parallelizable)
Flow Accumulation (QM of ESP)
Flow Accumulation (Recursive)
Flow Accumulation (Top-Down)
Flow Accumulation (Trace)
Flow Path Length
Flow Width and Specific Catchment Area
Flow between fields
Focal Mechanism (Beachball Plots)
Focal PCA on a Grid
Focal Statistics
Formatted Text
Fourier Filter (ViGrA)
Fourier Transform (ViGrA)
Fourier Transform Inverse (ViGrA)
Fourier Transformation
Fractal Brownian Noise
Fractal Dimension of Grid Surface
Fragmentation (Alternative)
Fragmentation (Standard)
Fragmentation Classes from Density and Connectivity
Frequency Domain Filter
Frost Change Frequency
Function Fit
Function Plotter
Fuzzy Intersection (AND)
Fuzzy Landform Element Classification
Fuzzy Union (OR)
GDAL Formats
GPX to shapefile
GWR for Grid Downscaling
GWR for Multiple Predictor Grids
GWR for Multiple Predictors (Gridded Model Output)
GWR for Multiple Predictors (Shapes)
GWR for Single Predictor (Gridded Model Output)
GWR for Single Predictor Grid
Gaussian Filter
Gaussian Filter
Gaussian Landscapes
Generate Shapes
GeoTrans (Grid)
GeoTrans (Shapes)
Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction
Geographic Coordinate Grids
Geographic Distances
Geographic Distances (Pair of Coordinates)
Geometric Figures
Georeference with Coordinate Grids
Get Grid from Virtual Point Cloud
Get Shapes Extents
Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud
Global Moran's I for Grids
Global Spatial Autocorrelation for Shapes
Globe Gores
Globe Viewer for Grids
Glugla Coefficient
Gradient Lines from Points
Gradient Vector from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates
Gradient Vector from Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
Gradient Vectors from Direction and Length
Gradient Vectors from Directional Components
Gradient Vectors from Surface
Gravitational Process Path Model
Grid Addition
Grid Animation
Grid Buffer
Grid Calculator
Grid Cell Area Covered by Polygons
Grid Cell Index
Grid Cells to Points/Polygons
Grid Classes Area for Polygons
Grid Collection Calculator
Grid Collection Masking
Grid Collection Viewer
Grid Difference
Grid Division
Grid Histogram
Grid Masking
Grid Multiplication
Grid Normalization
Grid Proximity Buffer
Grid Skeletonization
Grid Standardization
Grid Statistics for Points
Grid Statistics for Polygons
Grid System Extent
Grid Values and Polygon Attributes to Points
Grid Values to Points (randomly)
Grid Volume
Grid to TIN
Grid to TIN (Surface Specific Points)
Gridding of Points
Grids Product
Grids Sum
Grids from Classified Grid and Table
Ground Classification
Growing Degree Days
Histogram Matching
Histogram Surface
Hodgepodge Machine
Hough Circle Transformation
IHACRES Calibration (2)
IHACRES Elevation Bands
IHACRES Elevation Bands Calibration
IHACRES Version 1.0
IHS Sharpening
IMCORR - Feature Tracking
ISODATA Clustering for Grids
Import ASTER Scene
Import Atlas Boundary File
Import Binary Raw Data
Import Building Sketches from CityGML
Import CRU Grids
Import ESRI Arc/Info Grid
Import ESRI E00 File
Import Erdas LAN/GIS
Import GPX
Import GStat Shapes
Import Grid from Table
Import Grid from XYZ
Import Grids from KML
Import Image (bmp, jpg, png, tif, gif, pnm, xpm)
Import Landsat Scene
Import MOLA Grid (MEGDR)
Import NetCDF
Import Point Cloud
Import Point Cloud from PTS File
Import Point Cloud from Shape File
Import Point Cloud from Text File
Import RDB2 Files
Import Raster
Import Raster
Import Regular SubsurfaceViewer Grid
Import SPOT Scene
Import SRTM30 DEM
Import Sentinel-2 Scene
Import Sentinel-3 OLCI Scene
Import Shapes
Import Shapes
Import Shapes from XYZ
Import Shapes with Joined Data
Import Shapes with Joined Data (GUI)
Import Simple Features from Well Known Text
Import Single Raster Band
Import Stereo Lithography File (STL)
Import Surfer Blanking Files
Import Surfer Grid
Import TMS Image
Import Table
Import Table
Import Table from Query
Import Table from Query
Import Table from Query (GUI)
Import Text Table
Import Text Table (Fixed Column Sizes)
Import Text Table with Numbers only
Import Text Tables
Import USGS SRTM Grid
Import WASP terrain map file
Import WRF Geogrid Binary Format
Import a Map via Web Map Service (WMS)
Import from Virtual Raster (VRT)
Import, Clip and Resample Grids
Info about RDB2 Files
Inverse Distance Weighted
Inverse Distance Weighted (3D)
Inverse Fourier Transformation
Inverse Principal Components Rotation
Invert Data/No-Data
Invert Grid
Invert Selection
Invert Selection of Shapes Layer
Isochrones Variable Speed
Isolated Points Filter
Iterative Truncation
Join Attributes from a Table
K-Means Clustering for Grids
K-Nearest Neighbours Classification
Kernel Density Estimation
LS Factor
LS Factor (One Step)
LS-Factor, Field Based
Land Cover Scenario Offset
Land Surface Temperature
Land Surface Temperature (Lapse Rates)
Land Use Scenario Generator
LandFlow Version 1.0 (build 3.5.1b)
Landsat Import with Options
Laplacian Filter
Laplacian Filter
Lapse Rate Based Temperature Downscaling
Lapse Rate Based Temperature Downscaling (Bulk Processing)
Lapse Rate Based Temperature Interpolation
Largest Circles in Polygons
Latitude/Longitude Graticule
Layer of extreme value
Least Cost Paths
Line Crossings
Line Density
Line Dissolve
Line Parts to Separate Lines
Line Properties
Line Simplification
Line Smoothing
Line-Polygon Intersection
List Data Sources
List PostgreSQL Connections
List Table Fields
List Table Fields
List Tables
List Tables
Local Climate Zone Classification
Local Minima and Maxima
Local Statistical Measures
Logistic Regression Classification
Longitudinal Grid Statistics
MMF-SAGA Soil Erosion Model
Majority/Minority Filter
Mass Balance Index
Maximum Entropy Classification
Maximum Entropy Presence Prediction
Maximum Flow Path Length
Melton Ruggedness Number
Merge Layers
Merge Line Parts to Lines
Merge Point Clouds
Merge Tables
Meridional Grid Statistics
Mesh Denoise
Metric Conversions
Minimum Distance Analysis
Minimum Redundancy Feature Selection
Mirror Grid
Modifed Quadratic Shepard
Monthly Global by Latitude
Morphological Filter
Morphological Filter (OpenCV)
Morphological Filter (ViGrA)
Morphometric Features
Morphometric Protection Index
Mosaicking (Grid Collections)
Moving Statistics
Multi Direction Lee Filter
Multi Level to Points Interpolation
Multi Level to Surface Interpolation
Multi-Band Variation
Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index (TPI)
Multilevel B-Spline
Multilevel B-Spline (3D)
Multilevel B-Spline for Categories
Multilevel B-Spline from Grid Points
Multiple Grids Viewer
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Shapes)
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis (Table)
Multiple Regression Analysis (Grid and Predictor Grids)
Multiple Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grids)
Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF)
Natural Neighbour
Nearest Neighbour
Nearest Neighbour (3D)
Normal Bayes Classification
Notch Filter for Grids
Object Based Image Segmentation
Object Enumeration
Ordered Weighted Averaging
Ordinary Kriging
Ordinary Kriging (3D)
Overland Flow
Overland Flow (Kinematic Wave)
Overland Flow Distance to Channel Network
Pattern Analysis
PhenIps (Grids, Annual)
PhenIps (Grids, Days)
PhenIps (Table)
Point Cloud Attribute Calculator
Point Cloud Cutter
Point Cloud Reclassifier / Subset Extractor
Point Cloud Thinning (Simple)
Point Cloud Viewer
Point Cloud from Grid Points
Point Cloud from Shapes
Point Cloud from Table
Point Cloud to Grid
Point Cloud to Shapes
Point Statistics for Polygons
Point Thinning
Point to Line Distances
Point to Point Distances
Points Filter
Polar to Cartesian Coordinates
Polygon Categories to Grid
Polygon Centroids
Polygon Clipping
Polygon Dissolve
Polygon Generalization
Polygon Parts to Separate Polygons
Polygon Properties
Polygon Self-Intersection
Polygon Shape Indices
Polygon-Line Intersection
Polygons to Edges and Nodes
Polygons to Grid
Polynomial Regression
Populate Polygons with Points
Potential Annual Insolation
Potential Incoming Solar Radiation
Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Analysis
Principal Component Based Image Sharpening
Profile from Points
Profiles from Lines
Proximity Grid
Pythagoras' Tree
QuadTree Structure to Shapes
Quasi-Dynamic Flow Accumulation
RGB Composite
Radius of Variance (Grid)
Random Field
Random Forest Classification
Random Forest Classification (ViGrA)
Random Forest Presence Prediction (ViGrA)
Random Forest Table Classification (ViGrA)
Random Terrain
Rank Filter
Rank Filter
Rao's Q Diversity Index
Rao's Q Diversity Index (Classic)
Real Surface Area
Reclassify Grid Values
Record Aggregation
Record Statistics
Rectify Grid
Rectify Grid List
Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grid)
Regression Kriging
Relative Heights and Slope Positions
Remove Boundary Polygons
Remove Duplicate Points
Remove Invalid Shapes
Remove Overlap from Virtual Point Cloud Tiles
Replace Text
Representativeness (Grid)
Resampling Filter
Resection (Terrestrial)
Rotated to Regular Grid
SAGA Wetness Index
SVG Interactive Map
SVM Classification
Save Grid Statistics to Table
Seed Generation
Seeded Region Growing
Select Grid from List
Select Look-up Table for Grid Visualization
Select Point Cloud from List
Select Shapes from List
Select and Delete
Select by Attributes... (Numerical Expression)
Select by Attributes... (String Expression)
Select by Location...
Select by Numerical Expression
Select by String Expression
Separate points by direction
Set Coordinate Reference System
Shannon Index
Shapes Buffer
Shapes Report
Shapes Summary Report
Shapes to Grid
Shapes to TIN
Shared Polygon Edges
Sharpening Filter
Shrink and Expand
Shrink and Expand (Grid Collection)
Sieve Classes
Sieve and Clump
Simple Filter
Simple Filter
Simple Filter (Restricted to Polygons)
Simple Filter for Multiple Grids
Simple Kriging
Simple Kriging (3D)
Simpson Index
Single Coordinate Transformation
Single Value Decomposition (OpenCV)
Sink Drainage Route Detection
Sink Removal
Sky View Factor
Slope Length
Slope Limited Flow Accumulation
Slope, Aspect, Curvature
Smoothing (ViGrA)
Snap Points to Grid
Snap Points to Lines
Snap Points to Points
Snap Points to Polygons
Snow Cover
Soil Texture Classification
Soil Texture Classification for Tables
Soil Water Balance (Annual)
Soil Water Balance (Days)
Soil Water Capacity
Soil Water Capacity (Grid Collections)
Soil Water Simulation after Glugla (Grid)
Soil Water Simulation after Glugla (Table)
Spatial Point Pattern Analysis
Spatially Distributed Simulation of Soil Nitrogen Dynamics
Spectral Profile
Spherical Harmonic Synthesis
Split Lines
Split Lines at Points
Split Lines with Lines
Split RGB Composite
Split Shapes Layer
Split Shapes Layer Completely
Split Shapes Layer Randomly
Split Table/Shapes by Attribute
Statistics for Grids
Statistics for Grids from Files
Stereo Match (OpenCV)
Strahler Order
Stream Power Index
Successive Flow Routing
Summit Extraction
Sunrise and Sunset
Superpixel Segmentation
Supervised Classification (Table Fields)
Supervised Image Classification
Supervised Majority Choice Image Classification
Support Vector Machine Classification
Surface Specific Points
Surface and Gradient
Surface, Gradient and Concentration
Symmetrical Difference
TIN Viewer
TIN to Shapes
TPI Based Landform Classification
Tasseled Cap Transformation
Temperature Lapse Rates
Terrain Clustering
Terrain Flooding
Terrain Map View
Terrain Path Cross Sections
Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI)
Terrain Segmentation
Terrain Surface Classification (Iwahashi and Pike)
Terrain Surface Convexity
Terrain Surface Texture
Textural Features
Thermic Belt Classification
Thiessen Polygons
Thin Plate Spline
Thin Plate Spline (TIN)
Threshold Buffer
Tissot's Indicatrix
Top Soil Water Content
Top of Atmosphere Reflectance
Topographic Correction
Topographic Openness
Topographic Position Index (TPI)
Topographic Wetness Index
Topographic Wetness Index (One Step)
Transect through polygon shapefile
Transform Point Cloud
Transform Shapes
Transpose Grids
Transpose Table
Travel Time Calculation
Tree Growth Season
Trend Analysis
Trend Analysis (Shapes)
Two Grids Weighted Mean [Bulk Processing]
UTM Projection (Grid List)
UTM Projection (Grid)
UTM Projection (Shapes List)
UTM Projection (Shapes)
Unique Value Statistics for Grids
Universal Image Quality Index
Universal Kriging
Update Raster SRID
Update Shapes SRID
Upslope Area
Upslope Height, Slope, Aspect
Upslope and Downslope Curvature
User Defined Filter
Valley Depth
Valley and Ridge Detection (Top Hat Approach)
Variogram (Dialog)
Variogram Cloud
Variogram Surface
Vector Ruggedness Measure (VRM)
Vectorizing Grid Classes
Vegetation Index (Distance Based)
Vegetation Index (Slope Based)
Vertical Distance to Channel Network
Visibility Analysis
Warping Shapes
Water Retention Capacity
Watershed Basins
Watershed Basins (Extended)
Watershed Image Segmentation
Watershed Segmentation
Watershed Segmentation (ViGrA)
Wind Effect (Windward / Leeward Index)
Wind Effect Correction
Wind Exposition Index
Wind Shelter Index
Wombling (Edge Detection)
Wombling for Multiple Features (Edge Detection)
World File from Flight and Camera Settings
Zonal Grid Statistics
Zonal Multiple Regression Analysis (Points and Predictor Grids)